Search results

  1. S

    Smoke flavor

    I'm fairly new to the WSM. I used to have an ofset, I'd use charcoal and chunks or chips in it. With my Wsm im doing the same thing. But with my stick burner I could taste the difference in woods I used. In the Wsm they kind of all tastes the same. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Can anyone...
  2. S

    Silicone thermometer plug

    Anyone have any tips on installing the silicone thermometer grommet. That comes with the new model wsm? I messed with it for over an hour. Any suggestions will be a huge help.
  3. S

    Hello from Nor Cal

    I've been smoking for about 3 years. My first smoker was a char broil off set. But I just ordered a new 22 1/2 inch wsm. Very excited to get to using it!
  4. S


    New to the group. I'm from Northern California. Been smoking about 3 years, on a char broil stick burner. Will be purchasing a WSM in less than two weeks. Hope to learn a lot here, and am very excited to explore the WSM. I've heard nothing but great things about it.

