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  1. John Ford

    Tail Gate/ Fundraiser

    The Saints played Sunday in the first preseason game! My friend Maggie who owns a bar & grill often has outside tailgates for the Saints games with food beer & a outside big screen on her bars patio. I volunteered to cook 2 butts for the tailgate on site for the first game. She called last nite...
  2. John Ford

    Enameled Cast Iron for grilling?

    Porceloin coated metal is very corrosion & heat resistant ( think WSM) However at extreme heat the differential expansion between the porceloin coating & the steel can cause micocracks & lead to failure. Think porceloin coated flavorizer bars! On the grate at moderate temps ( below 450F ) its ok...
  3. John Ford

    Chunks, Chips or pellets ???

    I agree.
  4. John Ford

    Steamer Pot Alternatives

    Amazon has the IMUSA for $24. If you buy with the gold smokey joe through tvwbb shipping is free
  5. John Ford

    RV Butt

    6 lb fresh butt Mustard slather with homemade rub. Pecan chunks with Royal Oak . Cooker runs 225-250F for 8 hours &ulled between 195-200F & panned for 1 hour.
  6. John Ford

    Built In Thermometer Accuracy?

    They are both accurate,just measuring different places in the cooker! There can be a lot of difference between the temps 2 in from the side wall of lid & in center of cooking grid protected underneath with heat diffuser.
  7. John Ford

    Costco boneless pork loin 6.5lb vac pack

    Pork loin is a lean meat, I brine for 4-6 hours & find it helps. (simple 4/4/4 brine , 4 cups water,1/4 cup kosher salt,1/4 cup sugar) I cook loins to about 135-140F & rest .
  8. John Ford

    iGrill with 2 probes $72

    Like many of you I'm a 60 y/o overgrown kid & like my toys  I've been using a $10 accurite probe thermometer for smoking, actually works good & a new thermometer is cheaper than most replacement probes. A friend got the igrill about 3 months ago & loves it. Well I was looking at things I...
  9. John Ford

    I need a plan for tomorrow!

    Had planned on cooking a brisket for mothers day lunch, but it's raining all day today. Rain is supposed to stop easily morning hours Sunday. I'd like to put my 13/lb whole brisket on at 7:00AM & serve @ 7:PM Sunday. Recs on temp & when you would pan or foil.
  10. John Ford

    Venison Loin

    Looks like inside loins (tenderloin ) by the size. Deer ,being so lean , gets tough if overcooked. I usually partially cook the bacon, & if stuffing a loin , completely cook the stuffing.
  11. John Ford

    charcoal bins or not?

    Vince I think people are confused ? Did you mean container to store unlit charcoal ( bin ) or to hold lit charcoal ( basket)
  12. John Ford

    Efficiency of the 22.5 versus the 18.5

    Charcoal cost is a minor part of cooking. On sale I'll buy for $0.20- $0.25/ lb. Do you need the room? My 18 WSM will cook 7 chickens, or 5 butts , or 2 briskets, or a lot of racks of BB ribs.
  13. John Ford

    Brining in a cooler

    You know you're a redneck if you brine a turkey in your hunting cooler/stool. Actually works great
  14. John Ford

    My New grill! Napoleon M605 Charcoal!

    A charcoal basket & a couple bricks will allow you adjust the charcoal for smaller cooking area's. Let's you grill a few burgers with 1-2 lbs charcoal of allows you to indirect smoke,
  15. John Ford

    Two Part Question - Rain and Long Cooks

    11ft. Patio umbrella , best $99 I've spent. First lasted 7 years, wind ate it. Second on 2nd season. Big enough to drag a cooker under, supplies shade a great idea. In in bad weather, I'd smoke for 6 hrs, pan & finish in oven inside!
  16. John Ford

    New Grates or a New Grill?

    In the future rethink your procedure of "burning off" your grates after each cook, that's why yours burn out.
  17. John Ford

    Foil Vs. Foil Pan

    I've taken to using the pans topped with HD foil, easier to use,reusable ( a few times) Not as messy, dual use as serving pans.
  18. John Ford

    Pork butt price & wood type

    Pork prices were up considerably in 2011, but have been somewhat lower so far in 2012. Lowest price locally on fresh trimmed has been $1.39 I usually use oak because I can get unlimited amounts for free!
  19. John Ford

    Walnut update

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by DaveB: A while back we were talking about walnut for smoke wood. I smoked up a chicken and 8 slabs, low and slow with straight walnut. It was very good...
  20. John Ford


    Great Cook! You're a brave man to cook in the snow.

