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  1. Mark Silver

    Grilling Helps

  2. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

  3. Mark Silver

    Final 2024 Go Giants Cook

    His cousin lives at my house!
  4. Mark Silver

    You know you're getting old when...

    and with inner tubes.
  5. Mark Silver

    September Fest Coldwater MI

    Congrats! Any plans to step up from Backyard Competition to Master Series? You have all Fall and Winter to practice Pork and Brisket.
  6. Mark Silver

    You know you're getting old when...

    Remember when we all got computers and the claim we would all be paper free?
  7. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

  8. Mark Silver

    Tri tip brisket style?

    Same here. Fun to try, it was good, but nowhere near as good as grilled tri-tip or properly smoked and bbq’d brisket. Same experience with trying this with chuck roast. I did both as an experiment and in my opinion, neither experiment bears repeating.
  9. Mark Silver

    Pork Chops

    That’s exactly what it looks like to me, too.
  10. Mark Silver

    Baby Backs and Sausage on the Franklin

    Water jets in my mouth are on full blast!
  11. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

  12. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

  13. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

  14. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

  15. Mark Silver

    Project Birthday Brisket: The real deal.

    This is why I only buy the point to cook. (Besides there being only just me now). I’ve have about 60-40 mixed results keeping the flat moist when doing a whole packer. I have always wrapped my brisket when the IT hits 170°, then pull it when it gets to 203° and rest it in a cooler lined with...
  16. Mark Silver

    Bologna y Parma

  17. Mark Silver


    I can teach you how to make a salad.

