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  1. J D McGee

    $150K KCBS in Vegas - Ron Cates

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Clark Deutscher: That's awesome JD! Good Luck! Clark </div></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Clark...we'll give it our best shot!
  2. J D McGee

    How many WSM's should i use for competing?

    We use 4 WSM's as well...We cook 2 briskets on 1 22", 6 racks of ribs on a 2nd 22", 2 butts on an 18", and a dozen chicken thighs on the last 18". I like the freedom of one bullet per allows us to use different smokewoods for our flavor profiles.
  3. J D McGee

    WSMs Serious Competition Cookers??

    It ain't the cooker...we have done very well with our WSM's...they took us to The Jack last year and we're hoping to do it again this year. Vince and Alexa are one of the top teams in the world...I hope to be as successful with my bullets one day!
  4. J D McGee

    $150K KCBS in Vegas - Ron Cates

    Wine Country "Q" will be there...stop by our camp and say hello!
  5. J D McGee

    if your team needs website help, i'll do it for free

    That is very kind of you to offer your professional services for free. I put our website together and would welcome some advice...I will send you a link via e-mail. Cheers! JD
  6. J D McGee

    Choosing Competitions...

    Here are your top 5 reasons (from 4 BBQ forums) for choosing a competition... 1. close it is to home. 2. Entry much it costs to enter. 3. friendly, organizers take care of the teams. 4. Pay-Outs...prize money (comparable to entry fees). 5...
  7. J D McGee

    Choosing Competitions...

    Hi folks...thank you for your responses to my thread on "Competition Ammenities" Along the same thought is why you choose where to compete. If there are several choices from which to choose on what do you base your decision...
  8. J D McGee

    New 22.5 door opening design...

    No need for a high heat mod folks...full load of water in the pan...325 (dome in 30 minutes)... JD
  9. J D McGee

    New 22.5 door opening design... does one mod this for a high heat smoke? The rounded feature at the top of the opening does not allow for turning the door upside down...??? I'll post a pic in a few... JD
  10. J D McGee

    The Stoker Is Going Back To "The Jack"!!!

    Very cool Vince congrats! I hope to be there as well... JD
  11. J D McGee

    Adding a Third Grate

    Nice's definitely on my "to do" list...thanks!
  12. J D McGee

    2010 changes 0n 22.5 WSM

    Flip it this way...
  13. J D McGee

    High Heat Brisket Method - A Compilation

    Outstanding job...thanks Steve!
  14. J D McGee

    Source of wagyu beef brisket?

    Snake River Farms These folks carry a very good product and shipping is reasonable. I have cooked one of their flats...outstanding!
  15. J D McGee

    Thank You!

    Since purchasing my first WSM in 2007 I have gone on to meet many new freinds and have recently won several BBQ Championships with my partner and fellow TVWBB member "Swamprb" (Brian Moriarty). I just wanted to say "Thank You" to Chris and all TVWBB members for your advice over the past few...
  16. J D McGee

    22" WSM, Raising the Charcoal Grate up away from the vent tabs.

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bryan S: <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by...
  17. J D McGee

    High temp brisket question

    My thoughts exactly...
  18. J D McGee

    High temp brisket question

    Thanks more question then I'll go away and play with my WSM's ...fat cap up...or down?
  19. J D McGee

    High temp brisket question

    I'm curious...has anyone done the high heat brisket flats in disposable aluminum pans to start...and then just cover them with hd foil sheet to finish? I'm more concerned with flavor and tenderness than bark or smoke ring. Thanks! JD
  20. J D McGee

    Dome temperature vs grate temperature

    I find that my dome and grate temps vary about 25 degrees at first then edge closer togehter to within 5 degrees during the first hour or two...

