Thought I would share these unique trophies from a recent competition in Langley, BC :cool: They were awarded for the top 3 meats in each category...we took 1st pork, 1st brisket, 3rd chicken, 3rd ribs and grand Champion! :wsm:
Thanks folks...very much. My wife and I have had a blast over the years and hope to be able to travel around and cook a few more comps outside the Northwest next year. Next up we will be cooking our first American Royal Invitational and Open next month followed by another road trip to Vegas...
And still winning with them too! :wsm: My Grandsons Brenden and Bradley were on hand to share in the moment... Funny they were announcing the RGC my oldest (Brenden) turned to me and said..."there is only one big trophy left Papa that one yours?"
There are two things that we can control...appearance and texture. Our flavor profiles were developed with the mindset of not offending any other words a balance of smoke, spice, and sweet. The mainstream flavor profiles seem to be working well for the most part. We see a lot of...
Weed burner Minion Method here... I fill the ring with whatever amount of coals I'll need for the smoke then hit the top with my weed burner...never fails!
Thanks was a scorcher that weekend for sure! Rhana and I did well at the walks but placed 29th overall with an 11th placing in ribs.
Hi folks...we're back from the Jack and thought we'd share a few pics of our experience. We finished 29th overall out of 90 teams...not too shabby for an all-bullet bbq crew of two from Duvall, WA...!4491
Thanks is the "official list"...our new team (my wife Rhana and I) "Wine Country "Q" will be trying to do the bullet smokers justice and become the first all bullet team to win The Jack...wish us luck!
The Draw:
Big Creek BBQ
Redneck Grillers
Sweet Peppers
Master of Disaster...