Unofficial 2011 Jack draw results



TVWBB Wizard
*Please note these results have been received 2nd hand from various sources-we hope they are accurate however they cannot be official results until the Jack Daniels and KCBS have released their lists.

The Draws
TN- Swiggin Pig
AR- Sweet Peppers
PA- Chix Swine & Bovine
IN- Squealer’s BBQ
MA- Fatback Joe’s
OH- Saucehound BBQ
CO- Flyboy BBQ
IA- Tippy Canoe BBQ
WI- Brew-B-Que
AR- Redneck Grillers
MO- 4 Smokin Butts
NE- Hot Grill on Grill Action
OK- Butcher BBQ
WY- Burnin’ Bobs Butts and Bones
NY- Mr. Bobo’s Traveling BBQ All-Stars
MD- Jack’s Old South
TX- Drunken Brisket
FL- Big Papa’s Country Kitchen
AL- Big Creek BBQ
NC- 2 Old Men and a Grill
GA- Bar-B-Que Crew
VA- Duegello BBQ
SD- Big Dog BBQ
SC- Fatback’s BBQ and Rib Shack
WA- Wine Country Q
IL- Team Dude
MN- Lucky’s Q
MS- Kenny’s Country Cookers
NJ- Fat Angel BBQ
KY- Long Dawgs
KS- Buffalo BBQ
LA- Big Bear BBQ
MI- Motley Que Crew
ME- Feeding Friendz
OR- Smokey’s Bar-B-Q
CA- Master of Disaster

Home State Draws
AL- Wild Bunch Butt Burners
KS- Smoke On Wheels
KY- Warren County Pork Choppers
OR- Fat Dad’s BBQ
PA- PA Midnite Smokers
SD- Gerritt Boys BBQ
WI- 2 Fat Bikers BBQ
AR- Hog Tied

WILD Card Draw:
Wildcard – Here Piggy Piggy

Jack Automatics:
Texas Pepper Jelly
Big Bob Gibson
Lotta Bull
Southern Exposure
Munchin’ Hogs at the Hilton
Swill on You BBQ
I Smell Smoke
Black Cat BBQ
Pork Barrel BBQ
Rythmn & Que
Smokin’ Hogs
Smoked to The Bone
Mad Dog’s BBQ
Lakeside Smokers
Hambones by the Fire

** IF you are on the list and I have not updated with your team link please let me know and I will add it.
Thanks is the "official list"...our new team (my wife Rhana and I) "Wine Country "Q" will be trying to do the bullet smokers justice and become the first all bullet team to win The Jack...wish us luck!

The Draw:

Big Creek BBQ
Redneck Grillers
Sweet Peppers
Master of Disaster
Flyboy BBQ
Big Papa's Country Kitchen
Barbeque Crew
Tippy Canoe BBQ Crew
Team Dude
Squealers Award Winning Barbeque
Buffalo's BBQ
The Long Dawgs
Bigbear BBQ
Fatback Joe's BBQ
Jacks Old South
Feeding Friendz
Motley Que Crew
Lucky's Q
4 Smokin' Butts
Kinney's Kountry Kookers
Two Old Men and a Grill
Hot Grill on Grill Action
Fat Angel BBQ
Mr. BoBos Traveling BBQ All Stars!
Saucehound BBQ
Butcher BBQ
Smokey's Bar-B-Que
Chix, Swine & Bovine BBQ
Fat Backs BBQ and Rib Shack
Swiggin' Pig
The Drunken Brisket
R and R BBQ Team
Degüello BBQ
Wine Country "Q"
Burnin Bob's Butts N Bones
Wild Bunch Butt Burners
Hog Tide Bar-B-Que
Whiskey Ranch BBQ
Smoke On Wheels
Warren County Pork Choppers
Shiggin & Grinnin
2 Worthless Nuts
Fat Dad's Barbeque
PA Midnite Smokers
B. S. Pitmeisters
Gerrit Boys Barbeque
2 fat bikers bbq
Here Piggy Piggy BBQ

Automatic Qualifiers:
Big Bob Gibson Bar-B-Q
Texas Pepper Jelly
Lotta Bull BBQ
Southern Exposure
Munchin Hog’s @ the Hilton
Up in Smoke
I Smell Smoke!!!
Black Cat BBQ
Rhythm ‘n QUE
Pork Barrel BBQ
Piggy D’s BBQ
Smokin’ Hoggz BBQ
Smoked To The Bone
Mad Dawgz BBQ
Lakeside Smokers
Hambones by the Fire

Among the many criteria to qualify for ‘The Jack’ includes Grand Champions from the previous year’s Jack Daniel’s Invitational, the American Royal Open Competition, the annual Memphis in May and Houston Livestock & Barbecue competitions receive automatic entries. Additionally, to qualify U.S. teams must have already won a competition in which 50 or more teams participated, or they must have won a competition of at least 25 teams that has been designated a “state championship.” For more information about the Jack Daniel’s World Championship Invitational Barbecue, click here.
Thanks to a WSM user and winner. Hope you all sent Vincent a BIG thank you for this posting to the CBBQA forum.
#7 Vincent Carrocci

CBBQA Team of the Year 2008 & 2009

Group:CBBQA Board Of Directors
Joined:18-September 07
Location:Phoenix, AZ
Posted Today, 01:00 AM
To answer your questions, there are a number of ways that a team can gain "automatic" entry into the Jack both prior to the Draw and then based upon things that happened during the Draw. Let's focus on the pre-draw ways first. Keep in mind that this is only for US based teams. International teams have a somewhat different set of guidelines.

The winners of the following contests all are automatically invited:

Winner of the previous year's Jack - Quau
Winner of Memphis in May - Big Bob Gibson's
Winner of the American Royal Open - Lotta Bull
Winner of the Houston Livestock and Rodeo Show - Texas Pepper Jelly

The next way is to win 7 qualifying Grand Championships in a single "Jack Season" which begins on September 1 and runs through August 31 of the next year. This year Munchin Hogs at the Hilton had 8 qualifying GCs and I think Southern Exposure had 7.

Another way is if a team has competed at the Jack nine times, the next time they win a qualifier, they get an automatic invitation. IQue got in that way this year. In past years, Jack's Old South and Smokin' Triggers have as well.

Yet another way is to win the only qualifying contest held in a state during the Jack Season. We got in the way from Boise, ID and Piggy D's got in that way from Stevensville, MT. There were others too but I don't have that breakdown with me at the moment.

A team could also become an automatic by winning all the qualifiers in a given state. Since the state draw would only contain one team, that team would clearly win that state draw.

I think that covers all the pre-draw ways but if I missed one, I'm sure someone will post it so let's move on to how a team could become an automatic during the draw period. There is one example from this year's draw that we can use to explain the first way. Here it is...

Nevada had 3 qualifiers this past season. They were Mesquite, Las Vegas and Boulder City. As it worked out, the team that won Las Vegas (Munchin Hogs at the Hilton) was an auto with 8 GCs so they were out of the Nevada state draw and the winner of Boulder City (The Smokin' B.A.R.) did not file an draw entry form so that left the winner of Mesquite, (Smoked to the Bone) as the only team in the Nevada state draw thereby making it an Automatic. There was no way for anyone to know that only one team would file their entry form prior to the draw so we all expected it to be a 50/50 chance for both teams but because Smoked to the Bone was listed among the automatics, it could only be because they were the only team left in the state draw.

Keep in mind that just because you won a contest does not mean you are in the Draw. It means you have the opportunity to enter the Draw. Teams have to return their entry forms by the deadline or they will not be invited. This goes for the the Automatic teams too. For instance, if Quau, the reigning Jack Champion, did not return their draw form, they would not be able to compete. Otis and The Bird in Arizona qualified for the Draw but Jaybird knew he wasn't going go even if he was drawn so he didn't return his entry form. (Got a headache yet?)

OK, another during the Draw way would be if a team had had draws in multiple states was drawn in one of them. That team would then be removed from all their remaining state draws and, if that left just one team for another state, that lone team would become an automatic.

I think that covers the only during the Draw ways so now we can try to tackle Home State Rep. Fortunately we have an example we can use from this year's draw for that too but first let me explain what Home State Rep means.

Jack Daniel's not only wants a Grand Champion from every state in which a qualifying contest was held, they also want a Grand Champion from every state in which a Grand Champion resides. That is why they created Home State Rep.

This year, Whiskey Ranch BBQ was invited as Home State Rep for Arizona. "How can that be?" you ask since both Smoked to the Bone and Rhythm 'n QUE are also from Arizona. Well, Home State Rep only applies to teams that went through the actual Draw. The Automatic teams don't count for this situation. Here's what happened: Since RnQ was an Automatic before the Draw, they don't count when figuring since we didn't go through the Draw. Smoked to the Bone was Automatic too so it didn't count either. That meant that since Whiskey Ranch was the only Arizona team that actually went through the Draw and was not selected, Arizona would not have a team that made it into the field via the draw so they were selected as Arizona Home State Rep. Now, let's suppose that Otis and The Bird had decided to file their form and they were also not selected via the Draw. Jack Daniel's would have held a draw for Arizona Home State Rep and it would have been a 50/50 chance between Whiskey Ranch and Otis and The Bird.

Usually, every team that receives an invitation to compete in The Jack makes the trip but sometimes a team can't make it for one reason or another, often due to uncontrollable circumstances. For example, in 2008, Otis and The Bird was the winner of the Boulder City, NV contest and at that time it was the only qualifier in Nevada so it was an Automatic. In mid-September of that year, Monica had a very bad turn of health, (she had been battling cancer for many years) and Jaybird and Monica were not able to make the trip. Sadly, Monica passed away a few months later. Well, word of this made it back to Jack Daniel's and so they decided to offer Jaybird an invitation to the 2009 Jack even though he didn't actually win an automatic or a qualifier in 2009. They simply wanted to him to be able to use the chance he had already earned but was unable to due to Monica's illness. I think that was a very classy and understanding thing for Jack Daniel's to do.

Finally, the Wild Card is a last chance draw for all the teams that were in the Draw but did not get drawn in any state or become any kind of automatic or Home State Rep. Each of these teams gets one bung and that team is probably the luckiest team that makes it into the field. The odds of winning the Wild Card draw are probably in excess of 200 or 300 to 1.

I hope this epic tome made some kind of sense and helped to answer your questions. (Now I have a headache!)
For all of you who didn't get an invitation to the Jack's... Please accept this as your most "Deserving and Due" invitation to The Jesup Contest held on the same date....FBA Triple Crown Qualifier...

We want you in our contest...!!!

Visit our website :

Georgia Florida Tailgate Barbecue Cookoff
Oct 21-22, 2011
Downtown Jesup, Ga.
Congratulations JD! I wish you luck at The Jack.

I was a judge in Yakima and saw you walk for your 10th. Congratulations there too! Even though it was 99 degrees, I ate a lot of good Q that day.
Originally posted by Sheldon Koehler:
Congratulations JD! I wish you luck at The Jack.

I was a judge in Yakima and saw you walk for your 10th. Congratulations there too! Even though it was 99 degrees, I ate a lot of good Q that day.

Thanks was a scorcher that weekend for sure! Rhana and I did well at the walks but placed 29th overall with an 11th placing in ribs.

