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  1. L

    Turbo cmimney starter

    Looks like a giant venturi to me! Be careful of hot coals!
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    Ed Reilly's Weber Collection WOW

    Cool, where did you guys meet? Here are more pics of the "vintage platinum." I came up with that, it's not the original name btw. Ed says it looks like an authentic Weber product with original black paint. He also says the wheels are similar to a imperial sequoia and that this is the second one...
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    Ed Reilly's Weber Collection WOW

    Ed, are you still curating for the Barbecue Collectors Society? Shaun, judging by the wheels that looks like a different Weber Custom.
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    Ed Reilly's Weber Collection WOW

    Close up of Ed's poster: The railing mounted kettle and Seville with wheels differ from the other 50 year timeline.
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    Ed Reilly's Weber Collection WOW

    Yeah, Jeff has quite the collection!
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    Ed Reilly's Weber Collection WOW

    The white ornate table is called the "Seville" and the green marbled one is the "Custom Bar-B-Q-Kettle," found here: http://www.webergrillrestauran...ut/webertimeline.pdf
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    Ed Reilly's Weber Collection WOW

    Ed, can we get a closer pic of the poster here?
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    Ed Reilly's Weber Collection WOW

    Hi Folks, I am helping Ed Reilly post pics of his collection. He posting in the trading post today about his 1880, and the rarity doesn't stop there! He has the 1880, Garden Kettle, Teal 4 leg SJ, Simpsons SJ, amongst others. Great collection, Ed! Vintage platinum! Ed...
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    Bar B Kettle

    Do all Bar-B-Kettles have the metal side handles?
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    What's with these colors?

    I bet they were photoshopped or spray painted for the cover. They are way too bright and metallic. They do look good though!
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    Kingsford blue and ash build up

    Try the minion method with the hot coals at the bottom. This way the ash won't clog the remaining coals as they fall. Also make sure the charcoal is well packed. Is is possible your charcoal absorbed moisture?
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    Spring Cleaning

    Wow! Great colors, wsm mods, and wooden handles! I like your taste.
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    red genesis

    That's a beauty. Congrats.
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    The Weber Era Seems to Be Over

    It's all done to save costs. It's amazing enough that the kettles are still made in the USA. Weber needed to update their image and reflect the modern tastes of the customer. otherwise they just wouldn't stay profitable. Many Of the grills on the market have whiz bang features like the Stok...
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    When do you retire an old friend?

    It looks great! Just high heat paint the chipped spots so it doesn't rust and it still has a decade left in it.
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    S J. Gold Mini WSM Smoker

    Built an SJS smoker today. I need to make the charcoal ring and probe grommet tomorrow. I call the new smoker Android, since when you put the magnetic went handles on the lid it looks just like the Android mascot! Like my magnetic vent handle? The vent is only .5" right now...
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    S J. Gold Mini WSM Smoker

    Hey Mac, That looks amazing. Kudos. What top are you using? is that an water pan from an 18" WSM? It looks exactly like the one from the 1880.
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    Debating between Go Anywhere and Smokey Joe

    Dont get the charcoal GA. The vents are on the side and they are very hard to adjust and have terrible airflow for turning up the heat.
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    How much is an 1880 worth?

    Guys, this is not a fs thread, sorry. I am just trying to gauge it's market value without actually putting it on ebay so I figured I'd ask you guys here. I don't really know how to do this otherwise since I have only heard of about 9 of these on the bbq forums. Most of them are local finds...

