Kingsford blue and ash build up


Sheldon Koehler

TVWBB Super Fan
This is the third or 4th cook in a row on my 22 WSM that has started out fine but then the temp dropped about 5-6 hours in. 2 years ago I was having no problems with 12-14 hour non stop cooks. Now I can hardly get 8 hours before my temps drop to 200 with all vents wide open. My method is the same (Minion) and location has not changed. Cooks start with top vent fully open and the bottom 3 almost closed.

Has Kingsford changed their formula in the last year or so?

This is the only thing I can come up with as there are still coals but they are under a lot of ash.

Any ideas?

I am about ready to spend money I do not have on an electronic blower... my wife threw a fit at the cost!
I don't use the KB, but usually one taps the legs a few times to knock down ash on most briqs. (I use RO )
If you haven't, try that B4 you invest in a ATC.

Nope KB is fine. Is there anything restricting the airflow? What do the coals look like once everything is cooled down?
Try the minion method with the hot coals at the bottom. This way the ash won't clog the remaining coals as they fall. Also make sure the charcoal is well packed. Is is possible your charcoal absorbed moisture?
I haven't used kingsford in years since changing to lump. But when I did to avoid this issue typically on a long cook I would press down on the lid to keep the WSM from sliding and just give one of the legs a lite series of taps with my foot to get the ash to drop through a bit. I also have used a coal rake or poker to reach in from the side door to stir things. But that tap on the legs usually did the trick. If you use water in your pan though stir from the side door. I cook with a dry water pan.

Ash build up with kingsford on long cooks is a characteristic of the fuel type. You just need to understand how to deal with it.
Thanks guys! I guess I will have to kick the WSM every few hours then on my next cook. For the first year or so, I never had to do this at all. I was worried about splashing the water if I moved things too much.

