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  1. L

    Shé~cone Wings

    Tasty looking plates, Jim! I'm glad the yellow kettle now has a good home.
  2. L

    SJS.s difference's

    This would be a great pic, Jeff! I am looking forward to it if you decide to take one. I was thinking something like panhandle>Galley-que>wire leg regular handle with daisy vents>Single bottom vent/ wide legs SJS> SJG> JJ
  3. L

    WSM owner moving to a weber One Touch kettle

    Have fun with it, Stacy! You'll be wondering why you didn't get one sooner!
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    my memorial day weekend

    Excellent! Congrats on placing
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    Smoke Day, My best ribs thus far...

    Happy Bday, Gary!
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    Memorial Weekend Neighborhood Cook-out

    Looks like a blast. you must have had an early start for those butts!
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    How much do they smoke?

    What type of living space do you have? Can you vent the smoke out somehow? Perhaps your japanese neighbors would be more understanding of a Kamado
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    Lid Almost Sealed Shut

    The seal is nice to hold in the smoke, but you can use a plastic putty knife to remove the excess gunk. I would leave some of it on though as I feel like it helps.
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    Red Jumbo Joe?

    Very nice! you shaved off the leg holders?
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    I was inspired by the lights

    That's so sweet Brian! Just I. Time for memorial day too!
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    Blue 22.5 OTG...painted wheels and triangle

    Cool do you have a pic to share?
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    Ed Reilly's Weber Collection WOW

    Hi Folks, I just got the scans from Ed. Thanks Buddy! There is a catalog from '64, '72, and '73. I uploaded these to Dropbox with Ed's permission. Please do not repost them without his consent! If you would like to sign up, you can do so here: it is super useful for sharing files and the...
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    My 'New' 1981 Smokey Joe

    Awesome score! That will clean up nicely as a smoker.
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    Rusted side brackets

    What year is your WSM? Perhaps call Weber CS? for a replacement?
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    Red Snap on CGA This is sweet! Anyone else ever see one? I never knew the CGA came in colors.
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    Chili and burgers

    Very nice!
  17. L

    Got a Ranch Kettle

    Yeah, Parts are soooo expensive for this thing. $200 grill grate. Yikes! I agree that the frame makes the Kettle look weird. Definitely not classic looking. However, I do like the rigidity it offers. I can't brush the grate on my OTG without feeling like I am bending the legs. The modern Ranch...
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    Salmon & Cornies

    Very nice, Shaun. I love the color scheme on the Performer and the 360 deg grillmarks on the Salmon!

