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  1. R

    First boston butt

    You don't have to use a clay saucer. You can just simply not put water in the existing pan and then put a piece or two of aluminum foil over the top to catch drippings. Referred to as dry pan. Can't remember the last time I put a drop of water in that pan. I just change the foil out every so...
  2. R

    Burnt Ends

    'Burnt Ends' have sort of evolved from the traditional overcooked/dry end pieces (with a ton of flavor), to perfectly cubed, overly tender pieces. Lately I've been putting the pieces into a small aluminum pan, re-season them, and add enough fat seperated au-jus to reach almost halfway up the...
  3. R

    Excess Serrano Peppers - Suggestions wanted

    Ooohh.. Sauces... For some reason never thought about that. Gonna have to give that a try. Thanks Patrick! I spent almost 3 months in Edina a couple of years ago. Out of the entire time I was there, it got above freezing exactly once. I even took a side trip down to the Spam museum. Russ
  4. R

    Excess Serrano Peppers - Suggestions wanted

    I've got a bumper crop of Japs this year and so I decided to wash them, cut them in half lengthwise, put them in the smoker until they are fully dried out. Then I just drop them into the spice grinder and make my own Chipotle and variations of that. I've got some Chipotle/Serrano...
  5. R

    CL Score!

    Unbelievable. Been searching around CL for either a SJG or SJP to use on my mini-WSM. Last Friday I find what I THOUGHT was a SJP for $15. Score! Went over Saturday morning and when I walked up to the garage I just about fainted. Couldn't get that cash into that lady's hand fast enough. I...
  6. R

    Cooking Times Delayed

    If the meat is only going to be in the cooler for an hour or two then just put it in an aluminum pan and cover in foil, then wrap that in a couple of old towels. It will stay safe (>140 degs) for quite a while. I've never found a need to put hot bricks or anything like that in with the meat...
  7. R

    I tried a new hamburger recipe

    RC has the right idea. Mix whatever spices, etc. into the meat that you want but do not overwork the meat, it will go tough on you real quick. Don't overpack and don't forget the dimple in the middle. I like to add a little pork or lamb to get the fat content up. If I'm going to be indirect...
  8. R

    Easiest delicious grilled chicken yet

    Add some (Tbsp?) of your favorite chicken rub to enough buttermilk to thoroughly cover and marinade in that for several hours in the fridge. To help it really get in there try Jacarding the breast Oh boy is that good. Russ
  9. R

    Cooking Times Delayed

    Actually, you can interrupt the cooking process. I know a couple of competition teams that do just that. They will cook a brisket or butt to say 140, pull it, wrap it up, and go to bed. Then they will get up early to finish off the cook. You could very easily get the brisket up to say 175-180...
  10. R

    Fantastic Smoked accident

    Research cold smoking. There's several pretty good vids on YouTube on how to do it on the cheap. If you ever get serious about it then go buy one of the premade generators. If you're going to be doing cheeses, then it's best when the cheese is done to put it in a zip-loc bag in the fridge for a...
  11. R

    Pulled Pork Sandwiches - your go-to homemade sauce

    For a really quick 'homemade' sauce, I just take some Sweet Baby Ray's, Honey'nChipotle sauce and just add as much Tiger sauce as I'm feeling right at the moment. If I'm making a batch for saving then my latest project has been: 3 cups Ketchp 1/2 cup Honey Mustard Sauce 1/4 cup ACV 1/2 tsp salt...
  12. R

    Boston butt sin

    If it makes good Q, then who cares about a bone? Not gonna eat it anyway.... Granted though, there is something satisfying at the primal level about pulling that bone out. Russ
  13. R

    WSM vs. BGE

    Not so sure about that one. I've been getting RO at Wally World at about the same price as regular K (not on sale). Definately cheaper than compK. I refuse to bash anyone's cooker anymore. BGE, WSM, UDS, Stump, Spicewine, Traeger, FEC, Lang, Green Mtn, etc. The list goes on and on and I have...
  14. R


    I'll expand just a tad on the 'doneness' versus 'tenderness' thought. There's various ideas as to 'doneness', and a lot of it has to do with what you are going to do with the pork for processing. If you're going to go with the traditional pulled pork then obviously you're going to go longer...
  15. R

    Rib Help

    Just some notes I jotted down while reading your post. 1) This is a brand new 18. It will leak air like a sieve which will mess with your temps. Check for leaks/roundness/door fitting/etc. to help seal it up a little better. This will give the vents better control. 2) 10 minute 'get going' time...
  16. R

    WSM hellllppppp!

    Uh, I hope I'm reading that wrong. You do have the pan in, just no water in it right? Russ
  17. R

    Brisket - Fat side down and no smoke ring to speak of

    I heard a theory that if you have a fairly thick layer of fat, thick layer of rub/slather/etc over the top of the brisket you sort of 'insulate' the top of the brisket so that the ring can't form. It's only a theory but so far I can't refute it. I can't find where putting the brisket into the...
  18. R

    Distractions and my Dumbest bbq mistake EVER!

    Shortly after I got my 18, I was cooking a pork butt trying to figure out how this cooker worked. Well, my cookers are underneath a pergola that has vines running up the legs and over the top. Well, I had set the cooker up a little too close to one of the legs and some of the leaves were...
  19. R

    Separating the point & flat on a brisket

    Of course you can always seperate the point from the flat before cooking. Then you can give the point a head-start before putting in the flat. One doesn't need the other for cooking. Russ
  20. R

    Is the smoke ring necessary for good barbeque??

    Not to me. Smoke rings can be artificially generated using TQ, so I really don't care if one is there or not. Ask judges that have been around for a while if a smoke ring is a big deal to them, and I'll wager that the vast majority of them couldn't care less about it. It's always the brand new...

