Search results

  1. John Neuser

    Smokin' cheese

    Thanks for the responses. I looked at the Amazen smoke generator. If I even halfway like the way the cheese comes out I'll probably add one to my inventory. Two weeks, whew!!
  2. John Neuser

    Smoking cheese this weekend

    See my post "Smokin' Cheese". As always, suggestion, comments and advice are always welcome.
  3. John Neuser

    Smokin' cheese

    I've been jones'in to smoke some cheese for a while. Today I pulled the trigger BUT I think I might be disappointed. The details are: I have a WSM 22" My test cheeses were three 1# mozzeralles, 2# block of pepper jack that I cut in half lengthwise, one 1# piece of cheddar and 5 hard boiled eggs...
  4. John Neuser

    How to light 2 briquettes

    Sounds like a great idea. Thank you for the suggestion.
  5. John Neuser

    Smoking cheese this weekend

    Thanks for the suggestions guys. I can't wait to give it a shot. Great thing about BBQ and smoking is that even if you mess it up it's probably still edible AND it's not that expensive. I'll probably steer away from the salt for now. Temp is not supposed to be out of the 20s this weekend so...
  6. John Neuser

    Looking for a Kingsford sale

    Given the experience base of the contributors on this forum can some of you tell me when I can expect to start seeing some Kingsford sales? I'm down to about a bag and a half. If it matters, I live in Connecticut and have a Lowes, HD and Walmart in the immediate area.Thank you.
  7. John Neuser

    How to light 2 briquettes

    So I'm going to smoke some cheese this weekend. After reading the input from many readers on the subject I've decided to use 5 KBB in my WSM 22. Here's my question, "How do you light 2 briquettes?" I'm thinking long handled tongs and a propane torch. Thank you.
  8. John Neuser

    Smoking cheese this weekend

    So I've been doing my homework on this great site and I think I'm ready to try smoking cheese, hard boiled eggs and salt this weekend and I'd like your thoughts, comments and suggestions. Here's my plan: 1. Use the big WSM because I want to dissipate as much heat as possible. 2. Light about 6...
  9. John Neuser

    Help Please - My overnight smoke went out!

    Mickey, what type of smoker do you have? Is it a WSM? Is yes, what size. If also yes, did you fill the charcoal ring? I usually don't scrimp on the amount of charcoal. Per pound, it's a lot cheaper than meat. I'd rather waste a little bit of charcoal verses risk ruining the meat. Once the cook...
  10. John Neuser

    Just Ordered First WSM Any Advice

    David, I bought my WSM early last season and I love it. After my first couple of smokes, I purchased a Maverick 732 wireless thermometer through Amazon. Really makes temp control easy. If you decide to go that route you will have to decide which method you'd like to use for sensor wire access. I...
  11. John Neuser

    CHEESE...Has anyone smoked any?

    I've got an old Brinkman smoker and a WSM 22.5. I've smoked ribs, pork butt, chicken, sausage, trout and salmon. Lately, I've been thinking about trying to smoke cheese. Had some smoked mozzarella with dinner this evening. Have any of you tried doing it? I don't think it should be that...
  12. John Neuser

    My Modification to WSM 22.5

    Frank, sounds great but can you share a few more details? Hownlong a burn did you get, what tempnwere you running at and where did you get the material to fab the ring? Thank you.
  13. John Neuser

    Costco St Louis ribs

    Was in Costco yesterday and noticed that they are carrying pre-seasoned ribs ready for grilling or smoking. Have any of you tried these añd how would you rate them? Thank you
  14. John Neuser

    Hello from John in Danbury, CT

    Hello my fellow smokers. I'm very glad to have found you. I've been smoking for about 10 years with some pretty good results BUT, I can't say, with any predictability. Started with a charcoal Brinkman that I still have. Added an electric box smoker from HD. It lasted 3 lightly used seasons...

