Search results

  1. John Neuser

    Huge load of KBB spotted at Lowe’s

    Just got back from Lowe's in Danbury, CT. Had maybe 20 two packs at the "sale price" of $19.88 marked down from $25.88. I kid you not. They can choke on it for that price.
  2. John Neuser

    KBB and Memorial Day sale

    Sorry Chris. I did not see the other posts. As my wife often tells me, "John, you need to look with both eyes".
  3. John Neuser

    KBB and Memorial Day sale

    I've been out on the Lowe's website trying to find out if there are any sales going on. Seems advertised price right now is $19.98 for two 20# bags. Does not say it is a sale price. Anyone seeing any sales. Thank you.
  4. John Neuser

    New Kingsford Bag Weights & Suggested Number of Uses

    "...buying more than you might need" Is that even possible😁
  5. John Neuser

    Packer brisket on Weber kettle advice

    America's Test Kitchen Dave, apologies for just seeing this and, I know, that by now you've finished your brisket. Hope it was all you expected. In case you want to try it again, "America's Test Kitchen" did a segment this past weekend where they cooked a full brisket on a Weber Kettle. It...
  6. John Neuser

    Smoker vs. Oven

    Totally get it but I don't care how I get to a better finished product and I've realized that I'm a "temperature worry wart" which is why I'm trying to talk myself into a temp controller. Tough when you only Q three times a year.
  7. John Neuser

    Thermometer probe location.

    I have a 22 that I purchased new before Weber came out with the grommet so I cut a small slot in the lid to accommodate my Maverick wires. I recently purchased a 14 that has the grommet and can say, with confidence, that I don't like it and will slot the lid. Problem as I see it is, if you want...
  8. John Neuser

    Hi from Nova Scotia

    Richard, welcome aboard. I'm retired and a DYI'r but fortunately have not caught the disease you refer to. Rest assured there are a lot of you here. Good luck.
  9. John Neuser

    Smoker vs. Oven

    History: I'm a long time smoker, years wise, but amateur when it comes to amount of meat and fish. I usually only smoke two for three times a year. I'm using a 22" WSM and have smoked ribs, chicken, butts, brisket and salmon. I don't use water and don't have an ATC but have been trying to...
  10. John Neuser

    Help understanding long cooks and temperature controllers

    I've been smoking for maybe 15 years but still consider myself an amateur as I only do it three or four times a year. I started with a cheapie Brinkman and upgraded to a WSM 22 about 7 years ago. I have a request for all of you that use the site. Would it be possible for those responding to new...
  11. John Neuser

    Flip Grills, Get Rich $$

    I've never restored a grill as you folks have done. My only experience is replacing worn or broken parts on my personal grill. Heck, I don't even own a Weber gas grill, only a WSM 14 & 22" but I'm wondering if bead blasting or walnut shells would make the process of cleaning the box a lot...
  12. John Neuser

    Is it worth getting a membership to Costco or Sam's just for the meat?

    My wife and I have been Costco members for years. Enjoy many products but have been victims of over buying. Hence, I've coined the phrase, "Costco, where you buy more, eat more and throw more out". :-)
  13. John Neuser

    Party food

    Never cooked that many briskets. Could you use rib racks and smoke them on their side? Good luck. Let us know how you make out.
  14. John Neuser

    Advice sought for selecting and storing smoke wood

    Hello fellow smokers. I would like some suggestions and thoughts regarding smokewood. A little history. I only smoke about 4 - 6 time a year. I own a WSM 18" & 22" smokers. I typically get my wood from the big box stores. This year, I'd like to try getting wood from a source like Fruitawood but...
  15. John Neuser

    Weber Charcoal $3.90 at Home Depot

    Just checked my local HD. No sale. Price = $19.99 / bag. Oh well, maybe next time.
  16. John Neuser

    Hello from Calgary

    Welcome to the forum Dave. I am also the owner of a 22". Lots to learn here. Read up, try it out and enjoy.
  17. John Neuser

    Hello from Clark Township, NJ

    Welcome aboard Shane. Congrats on your WSM 18. Spend some time here and learn as much as you can. Just remember to try to have fun while smoking.
  18. John Neuser

    WSM upgrades- Heeere's Johnny!!!

    Beautiful job. You should be very proud of your work. Hope you enjoy it. Can you tell us where you got the vent handles? Thank you
  19. John Neuser

    Just bought a 14" WSM

    Yeah, but you buy a lot of tin foil at Costco or BJs for 20 bucks.
  20. John Neuser

    Just bought a 14" WSM

    Hey thanks folks for all of your comments. Ultimately I added the nomex gasket to the door and between the lid and the body. Also relocated the heat shield to the underside of the main body. Thanks again for all of your comments and suggestions.

