Search results

  1. John Neuser

    Cold smoked cheese!

    Looks good. Did some Mancheigo in early spring. Turned out great. Good luck. Please keep us posted on the bourbon.
  2. John Neuser

    Bacon: Do you use pink curing salt?

    Good luck Mike. As mentioned above, I did not use curing salt. Still turned out GREAT. Had some on BLTs yesterday when son and daughter in law were visiting. Got rave reviews. I'll bet yours will turn out equally good. Just remember to cook well.
  3. John Neuser

    Bacon: Do you use pink curing salt?

    Last week I smoked a pork belly for bacon. It was the first time I've tried and, if I must say, it turned out great. Try as I might, I could not find pink curing salt to be included in the dry brine rub. So I used equal parts brown sugar, kosher salt and pepper. Applied to all sides of the...
  4. John Neuser

    Smaller grates please

    Thanks Rich. That just might be the alternative solution I've been looking for.
  5. John Neuser

    How do you eat your BBQ?

    With both hands!!!
  6. John Neuser

    Smaller grates please

    Ooh, good thought. Thank you.
  7. John Neuser

    Smaller grates please

    I've got a WSM 22 and love it. Is it big, you bet. Does it use a lot of fuel, you bet but I do like to do a single chicken from time to time or one rack of ribs or a side of salmon, etc. I'd like your thoughts or suggestions for using smaller grates if possible. How would someone retrofit for...
  8. John Neuser

    A Connecticut Costco Question

    Got a nice prime packer from the Brookfield Costco the week before for fathers day @ 4.99/lb. Got it early for fear of not finding one when I wanted it. Next week, right before FD, the pickings were slimmer and they were $5.49 a pound. It was a little over 13#s and I trimmed it to a little over...
  9. John Neuser

    What's on your grilling and smoking menu for the Fourth of July Weekend?

    Whatever my daughter is cooking. My wife and I hosted the family for father's day. I smoked a full packer, six racks of ribs, two sides of salmon and six pounds of sausage.
  10. John Neuser

    Need Help DigiQ DX3

    Chip, I purchased a DX3 about two months ago and have used it three times. I have not had any problems and the unit holds the temp like a rock. I have the 10 cfm fan. I've smoked at both 250 & 275 degrees. I also have the 22". Cooked a brisket for father's day that took 12 hours. Temp only...
  11. John Neuser


    "I am finally going to try to attach this device which I bought 2 years ago to my 18" WSM." Mr. Mouser, can you please tell us what "this" device is?
  12. John Neuser

    WSM Residue issuse

    Jeff, why remove the thermometer? When you do your burn to clean does your WSM get that hot? Hot enough to destroy the thermo? Curious. Thank you.
  13. John Neuser

    How many bags of charcoal have you burned so far in 2021?

    Can't say for sure but I used almost three bags for Fathers Day alone.
  14. John Neuser

    Anyone? PorkBellyBRISKET??

    Pork belly brisket. Big decision: eat it or just inject the fat into my veins. 😃
  15. John Neuser

    How many bags of charcoal have you burned so far in 2021?

    Wow. Thanks for the info. I had no idea. My wife and I lived in Tucson for a while many years ago so we know how dry it can be. Good luck. Wishing you many days of soft gentle rain without lightening.
  16. John Neuser

    How many bags of charcoal have you burned so far in 2021?

    Rich, can you give a few details on this "charcoal ban". I'm from Connecticut and have never heard of this. Is it a California thing? Thanks.
  17. John Neuser

    Looking for Info

    Solved the wind problems here with a welding blanket and four spring clamps from Harbor Freight. Wrap your WSM in it. Works great folds for storage.
  18. John Neuser

    My Elevated Lighting Method

    Timothy, can you please share what the "sidewinder Minion method" is? Is that the same as the snake? Thanks
  19. John Neuser

    Can someone please explain the mechanics of a brisket

    I intend to do a full brisket for the family on Father's Day. A coupe will of weeks ago I picked up one at Costco to practice. It was a prime grade. Turned out very good given it was my first. Smoked at 250* with cherry wood. As I'm a brisket novice I've been reading and viewing everything I can...

