Search results

  1. John Neuser

    Meat vs. Fish smoker

    15 years ago I bought my first smoker. It is a tinny, leaky, inexpensive Brinkman. WAY before I knew anything about WSM's. Anyhow I still use it but now exclusively for fish. It's a little smaller than my 22.5" so it's easier to move and uses less charcoal. It got me to thinking if others use...
  2. John Neuser

    Green wood for smoking

    So reading all this good info about smoking and what wood to use got me to thinking, if green wood smokes can I use it in my WSM 22.5"? My neighbor has a couple of apple trees that he prunes from time to time. Why couldn't this be used as is. Take a limb that's about 2 - 3" in diameter, slice...
  3. John Neuser

    Rib Question

    ChuckO, I've never used parchment. Do you use smoke the whole time? 1.
  4. John Neuser

    Question on cryovac sealed pork butts

    I think that's a sound decision. Why risk your Q reputation.
  5. John Neuser

    Brining fish

    I know it's late but I'm smoking fish tomorrow morning. Do any of you have any brining recipes for trout that you have used and can recommend? Thank you very much.
  6. John Neuser

    Need 22 middle section

    Have you called Weber? You could buy one from them.
  7. John Neuser

    Rib racks

    What a great idea. Thank you. Do you "pin" the coils to hold them together?
  8. John Neuser

    Rib racks

    I've read in some of the posts where some of you DO NOT use racks in your WSM when smoking ribs. Is there a better way to stack and pack the ribs to ensure good surface exposure to the smoke other than racks? I'm all ears. Thank you
  9. John Neuser

    Kingsford @ HD $12.88 2x20LB.

    Loaded up yesterday. Good to go until Memorial Day sales.
  10. John Neuser

    Just got a 22.5 and have fire questions and a bunch of other questions.

    Enrico, great tip. Thank you. I usually place can in middle of charcoal. Looks like your idea might make air control more accurate and might even extend burn time. I'll definitely give this a try on my next cook.
  11. John Neuser

    WSM Gaskets

    Mache, I used the full thickness for the door (3/4") and cut the gasket for the bottom and mid section. Yeah, the gasket gets a little brown around the door but I like the look. Let's me know that I'm really using it.
  12. John Neuser

    Smoking trout filets

    So here are the results of my first trout fillet smoke. They were a disappointment. "Dry and bland" as a coworker told me. Good news is that it did not cost me a lot, made a GREAT smoked salad with a little Mayo and capers, learned that I need to try bringing and seasoning AND, last but not...
  13. John Neuser

    Smoking trout filets

    So it's been a dreadfully long winter and I've been jonesin' to smoke something, anything. Today in Costco I came across some trout filets and I thought, "Great" let's smoke these so I bought two packages. Now I'm thinking, "What the heck did I do". I've smoked whole trout, salmon, chicken...
  14. John Neuser

    3/2/1 method

    Sorry to ask this but can someone point me to the link for this method of cooking ribs? I've been searching all over the site and can not seem to find it. Thank you.
  15. John Neuser

    3/2/1 method

    Sorry to ask this but can someone point me to the link for this method of cooking ribs? I've been searching all over the site and can not seem to find it. Thank you.
  16. John Neuser

    Wood chunks vs. a smoke generator

    Last week I wanted to smoke some cheese. I did some searching on this site and one poster wrote about using the Amazen Smoke Generator. Although I didn't have one it got me to thinking about a smoke generator vs using regular wood chunks for regular smokes. Do any of you use a generator in lieu...
  17. John Neuser

    Pork and fish on the same WSM?

    Frankie, before I got my WSM I smoked fish (both trout and salmon), pork, beef and chicken on a Brinkman with no problems BUT I always smoked the fish last. After the smoke I always let the charcoal burn itself out and then thoroughly cleaned the grates and water pan. Now that I've got my WSM...
  18. John Neuser

    Costco charcoal sale

    Costco is running a sale on Kingsford Competition charcoal. Discount is $4.50 off 2x18 lb. bags. The flyer does not state final cost. My question is, how does it compare with the regular Kingsford briquettes? I could use a couple of bags until the regular KBB is on sale. Thank you.
  19. John Neuser

    22.5" WSM ordered

    Season it, cook on it and get to know it and enjoy it.. Spend some money on smoking and beer. Once you get a feel for the smoker you can go crazy with mods. One poster mentioned that you can't snuff out the fire with the stock smoker. I respectfully disagree. You may need to play with shaping...
  20. John Neuser

    Just Ordered First WSM Any Advice

    The one recommendation I would make is to add handles to the mid section. The 22 is a big dude and clumsy. It's next on my list and, given what I know now, it should have been the first mod I made.

