Search results

  1. Andrew F

    Briquettes other than KBB?

    Less, or it compacts better. About the same ash as kingford Lump Briquettes, perhaps just a tad less.
  2. Andrew F

    Feeding 40 people

    I'd do pulled pork on a bun and and pulled chicken on a bun. Then you can offer hamburgers ( they use the same buns!) for the kids that don't do pulled pork or chicken. Although I say if they wont eat the pork or chicken, they wont starve missing one protein at a meal. Just grill a bunch of...
  3. Andrew F

    Great deal at Lowe's on Royal Oak briquettes

    Wow. Looks like the same sale in WI through the 24th. I know what I'll be doing Saturday!
  4. Andrew F

    Briquettes other than KBB?

    I use the royal oak briquettes. Same flavor as the lump, but in convenient briquette size.
  5. Andrew F

    Looking for an ATC for a Weber smokey mountain

    I used one of these before going with the heatermeter: It worked fine.
  6. Andrew F

    Smash Burger Utensil

    I've done this. Cast iron skilled inverted over the big burner on a gas stove. Worked great, just have the vent fan set to HIGH!
  7. Andrew F

    Brush bristle lodged in man's pancreas

    I had a stone grill scrubber. it was junk and lasted about 3 cleanings before it was worn down to dust. Sure mine was cheap from HomeDepot or somewhere, but still... These work well, but the pads get gunked up with grease if you are not careful, and Cooks Illustrated recommends this style...
  8. Andrew F

    Question - oscillating above set point

    Mine looks like that when I don't have the lid down tight. I think it is down, but then a little wiggle and it snuggles down just a little more. Seems to happen more when I run the probe cables out under the lid. You shouldn't need to gasket the sections (middle to bottom, top to mid,) but a...
  9. Andrew F

    Smash Burger Utensil

    I use a normal, metal burger spatula, but I press down on the blade of it using a soup can. Actually, I suppose if I'm going to be accurate, it is a can of beans, but you get the idea.
  10. Andrew F

    using wood on the WSM

    I think you will fine that even just charcoal will give you more smokey flavor than a pellet pooper can. Now bury a few hunks of hickory in that charcoal and you have something special going on.
  11. Andrew F

    Cooking your best burger

    Direct. I also have found that the Weber seasonings are way to salty for my tastes. I like either a Chicago or Montreal Steak seasoning. There a a couple custom blends that my local spice purveyor makes that are really good, but unless you are in the Milwaukee or Chicago area you would have...
  12. Andrew F

    Question About Reusing Charcoal

    Yep! Unless it is overly damp it gets re-burned.
  13. Andrew F

    Rib Roast FAIL.....or Maybe I Just Don't Like Smoked Beef

    I have found for me that there are just some meats that do not do good in a low and slow approach. Pretty much all "steak" type cuts; porterhouse, prime rib, sirloin, tenderloin, etc. I find work better with a "grilling" vs a smoking. Now a prime rib grilled with a chunk or three of hickory...
  14. Andrew F

    Fireball-infused Rotisseried Pineapple

    I've done this with out the booze, and with too - rum work great! Just carve the pineapple with the diamond shape, easily done by following the eyes, and make a simple syrup of brown sugar and water, you can add cinnamon if you want, and place that in a squeeze bottle. Put the fruit on the...
  15. Andrew F

    A conversation about your country's habits: Grilling and Q'ing

    Yeah, try to not worry too much about the woman's dad. He's just mad that your are with his daughter. Lol. He may also be one of "those" people that likes their meat cooked well done (ruined.) When I grill, as in cook on the grill - not smoke, not bbq, I tend to only cook one type of meat at...
  16. Andrew F

    Question about Gasket Kit for WSM.

    That is the kit that I used. I would start with re-forming the door so it sits tighter, and then add the gasket to it. I would then test to see how the WSM works. I gasketed the door, the lid and the middle to bottom sections. The middle to bottom isn't needed and makes re-asembly kind of a...
  17. Andrew F

    Probe Holder

    That will do! Got four of them? And how much?
  18. Andrew F

    Maverick and Auber Temp diff

    I used the 10CFM fan on my 22, It would whip the smoker up to temp quite fast, and it would only "puff" once it was up to temp, unless the weather is not so nice, then it runs more. The 10 might be over kill for nicer climates, or summer weather. I have a 15 cfu fan with my HeaterMeter now...
  19. Andrew F

    Lock washers

    And here I just used loc-tite blue.:p
  20. Andrew F

    Smoking in the rain tonight first pulled pork

    I do it the day of as well, but you will want to be up before 7. I'd have the smoker lit by 6-6:30. Then you come inside and rub your butts while it comes up to heat, or rub them the night before and store them wrapped tight in the fridge. IF you go that way, take them out of the fridge...

