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  1. Andrew F

    Take a peek at my rain resistant box.

    The blowers really are not effected by the rain / weather. Just try to keep the fan input pointed down so you don’t blow rain onto your fire. I also rotate mine so the network jack is mostly pointed down as well. The controller is in a box pretty similar to yours. Bonus is the weather box...
  2. Andrew F

    The Adapt-a-Damper - Open Source Project

    Did you put the Alum-a-damper abs print on Thingiverse? I have a printer on its way to me and my stupid large Adapt-a blower is starting to have problems opening and closing. I'm wondering if it is the extra large rotary plate with the smaller servo, or just the servo dieing.
  3. Andrew F

    Wisconsin > Mukwonago: David Alan Alan's Smokehouse

    I wasn’t impressed, but I wasn’t offended either. It was fine. Now LDs in East Troy impresses me.
  4. Andrew F

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    Would someone be willing to print me off a case for the small led segments? I will pay for material/ time/ shipping. Paypal or venmo.
  5. Andrew F

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    Thanks for the encouragement. I know ZERO about adrounio or wemos as of 8am this morning. I had a slight knowledge of raspberry pi. Honestly, a drag and drop/ or one click install shouldn't be needed, but a step by step of what to download and how to upload would be all that i needed. EDIT -...
  6. Andrew F

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    SUCCUSS!!!! Thanks for the help. Its working, but do feel like a blind squirrel with his nut. yellow display has a few dead segments. Not sure if I'll use it or not.
  7. Andrew F

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    Wait......Signs of life....... Please stand by......
  8. Andrew F

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    Wait! what? Crud. Ok, so how do I do that?
  9. Andrew F

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    Basically I copied and pasted the text from the first post (adding in my network information between the quotes)into the arduino programer, compiled and kept adding what it was missing to the library and then when it quit having issues, it uploaded to the board. I then removed the board from...
  10. Andrew F

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    Tried that. Same problem. Flashed the second board and breadboarded it up. Same problem. I am only using one LED display for right now, But that shouldn't matter? -edit- added a few more displays, same problem. Something tells me i'm not programing the wemos correctly.
  11. Andrew F

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    I think I have done everything correctly, but because I have no temps being displayed I must have screwed something up. Here is what I can verify 1. The Wemos is showing up on my router as connected to wifi 2. The power light on the LED panel is lit Is there a way to check that the wemos is...
  12. Andrew F

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    This is exactly what I need! I have the parts on order. Is there a step by step for how to program? I’m good with wiring and soldering, but know zero about Arduino, and only very minor on raspberry pi( not that that will help.) An “ultimate luddite guide” with: 1. plug in Arduino to usb port...
  13. Andrew F

    Have you got your covid vaccine yet?

    Got my second Pfizer on Wednesday. No side effects and less arm sore than the frost one.
  14. Andrew F

    What are your favorite or recommended wsm modifications?

    On my 22 I have: 1. Wheels. So much easier to roll it around the deck 2. toggle locks to keep the middle and bottom attached. See #1 3. Hinge. No place to set that big lid on the deck 4. Slot for probes 5. Heatermeter and adapt-a-dampener. Best upgrade.
  15. Andrew F

    Which paint to use for restoring a Weber gas grill?

    I use the high heat paint all the time on stuff that doesn't get hot, and some that does. I've never "cured" any of it. Seems to work fine. Including a cafe table and chairs (both metal) that sit on my deck 24/7. They hold up fine with no chipping.
  16. Andrew F

    Bigger fan options when moving to a bigger smoker?

    I can confirm that the 15 CMF set up works great.
  17. Andrew F

    Raspberry Pi down!

    I agree. That looks like you have water damage.
  18. Andrew F

    Temp control

    I have a 22" There are gaskets between the middle and bottom, but not on the lid. There is a gasket on the door, but I'm not happy with it and it still leaks a lot. I do cheat and use a heatermeter with a blower. It keeps my temps rock steady.
  19. Andrew F

    Heatermeter 4.3 issues

    I got the: Panda Ultra 150Mbps Wireless N USB Adapter - Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10, Windows Ce 6.0, Mac 10.4-10.10, Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, Lubuntu, BackTrack5 R3, Kali Linux, Raspberry Pi/Pi 2
  20. Andrew F

    Thermocouple or not

    Though the grommet will get you a in-accurate temp reading, unless you want to know the temp near the side between the grates. It would be better to have the probe on the top grate, near the food. This is what I do and just run my cables out under the lid.

