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  1. DuaneMac

    Happy Father's Day!

    Yes, Happy Father’s Day guys! My son and his wife are coming over and her Dad too. I’ve got a rack of big beef ribs going on the WSK and made sausage and peppers for sandwiches. Will be grilling hamburgers and hotdogs as well.
  2. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  3. DuaneMac

    Central jersey here

    Hi John, I’m originally from Central NJ. For the last 27 years I’ve lived just across the Delaware river in PA
  4. DuaneMac

    Made it to 65 earlier this week

    Thanks Brenda!
  5. DuaneMac

    Made it to 65 earlier this week

    Me too, on 6/3! Happy Birthday!
  6. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  7. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  8. DuaneMac

    How do I turn a round roast into deli roast beef?

    Around 125, usually only takes 45 minutes using the rotisserie. Then rest it on the counter for a while before putting into the fridge and slice the next day. After a few cold sandwiches, I make hot ones as you do using au jus for dipping.
  9. DuaneMac

    5% wet brined chicken halves

    There’s this…
  10. DuaneMac

    Kentucky Mule

    Bumping for Derby day! Watching the ceremonies now. No Mint Julep this year but I am sipping some Elijah Craig!
  11. DuaneMac

    How do I turn a round roast into deli roast beef?

    I do mine on the rotisserie. After chilling in the fridge overnight, it gets cut super thin with a slicer.
  12. DuaneMac

    April 12, Nat'l Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

    I wasn’t aware of tomorrow but I am celebrating Fondue day today, we actually do it quite often. We’ll be dipping some good bread, broccoli florets and Little Smokie sausages. Accompanied by some white wine!
  13. DuaneMac

    Easter lamb cake

    He still has his head but there was a black jelly bean fan so the eyes needed to be replaced! He’s a little smaller now.
  14. DuaneMac

    Easter lamb cake

    He’s all done, Happy Easter!
  15. DuaneMac

    Easter lamb cake

    It’s that time of year again! A successful bake, there’s always a sigh of relief when it comes out of the mold in one piece. The decorating phase will take place tonight!
  16. DuaneMac

    Anyone eat snails?

    I love them! I was at Wild Fork Foods this morning and saw these, figured I’d try a box.
  17. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  18. DuaneMac

    Corn Beef & Cabbage

    Surprisingly, St Pat’s dinner is one of the few I’ve never cooked on a grill. Last year we used this recipe, turned out great.
  19. DuaneMac

    Corn Beef & Cabbage

    I’m surprised to hear that. Around here every store has it on sale. The store we shop has it for $1.99/lb.
  20. DuaneMac

    Pastrami on the WSK

    Nice cook and sandwich! I always get a couple extra corned beefs for pastrami when they’re on sale this time of year. I enjoy a nice Rueben.

