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  1. B

    zip lock

    I use the heck out of my Reynolds vac and seal (the battery op one), to my wifes dismay. She bought me a foodsaver for xmas 2 years ago, so she wasnt too impressed when I started using the $10 vac and seal over her $80 foodsaver They have quart and gallon size bags also. If it were me, I'd...
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    Chuck roll smoke in the making

    It came out very well Bryan, one of the halfs could have gone another 30-45 min probably as it was a little harder to pull then the other, but nothing to complain about. I got 6 ~1.5lb bags vac'd for me and one big bag, probably ~6 lbs, that I plan to take to work someday. Now I just have to...
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    Chuck roll smoke in the making

    I know it sounds stupid, but if I had the ATC I wouldent have to get up and SEE (call it piece of mind) if my temps were holding. I think I'd take my chances on the power going out. Dont you try to talk me out of buying one now
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    Chuck roll smoke in the making

    Tony, I wish I had that problem, I'm always out for the last couple months of the year The chucks have been rollin along for almost 12 hours now. The roast on the bottom is 10 degrees cooler then the top. They are 152/162 I think when I foil the top chuck I will also put the bottom chuck on...
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    The butts are on

    To tell the truth Chris the last two butts I did came out the same way. I was so concerned with the chuck roll I was cooking at the same time that I pulled the butts off too early. Beef came out great, but the pork was greasy and hard to pull. I was not happy with the pork and dumped it all...
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    The butts are on

    I hate it when the "heat" is on Chris. Why do you think it needed more time? Hard to pull? Greasy (unrendered fat)? Those are the no. 1 indicaters of undercooked butts. Wrapping in foil will save you in those "got to be done sooner" situations. You will loose bark consistancy but the butt...
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    Butt over Sirloin Tip?

    How big is your sirloin tip roast?
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    It's ready for the WSM

    Here ya go Chip, Texas BBQ rub ordering page
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    Chuck roll smoke in the making

    I've been jonesin to get the WSM fired up all week long. I've been putting the performer to work lately and the WSM was getting lonely. I wanted to do a overnighter and knew I was out of pulled beef so it was an easy decision. I loaded up the boys and headed out to get myself a big ol chuck...
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    The butts are on

    I envy you Chris! Just after we almost got rid of all the snow, we got another 3-4 last night and every thing is covered again. My wife is going to be gone all day too, but I will be home with the 3 boys. I'm thinking about dragging them out to get some meat with me so I can fire up the WSM...
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    Another question from a newbie?? How much smoke

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Tom Meneou: I've considered cooking ribs using just rub and charcoal or possibly lump but I just can't pull the trigger.I can't get past the thought...
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    It's ready for the WSM

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dave Hutson: Clay, glad to see the Texas BBQ Rub. Bill Cannon is a good buddy of mine.I buy his stuff in 50 lb increments for my business. I am actually...
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    Looking for some help...

    That is true Doug! I tried to send some business Larry's way but he's sold out
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    Looking for some help...

    These ones are pretty popular "black knight" gloves, I love mine.
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    It's ready for the WSM

    Looks good Clay! Is that some Texas BBQ Brisket Blend I see? Hope you did your WSM prep in the daylight I still havent decided what to do this weekend, but I want to smoke SOMETHING! I wish I had that brisket in my fridge waiting for the smoke. Maybe its chuck roll time again (I'm out of...
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    Beef Tenderloin on the Performer

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by timothy: Thank's for posting that one Brandon. Seems my lady was dead set on doing a TL in the oven tonite for our anniversary # 31. I remembered your...
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    Michael Ruhlman's Maple Cured Bacon from "Charcuterie"

    Bryan- Where did you get the maple sugar and what was the name of the brand? I've been dying to make some of this. Thanks </div></BLOCKQUOTE> Gerry, heres where I got mine.
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    Meat Grinder Suggestions?

    I'm looking for suggestions on a good quality, reasonably inexpensive meat grinder. I'm just looking for something to grind meat for burger and this summer I want to get into making some sasuage. Small scale, high quality is what I'm shooting for. I dont think electric is nesscicary, but you...
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    lets hear it

    Well, the one thing that came to mind is all the ribeyes I have in the freezer. Must be 30 of them, and even I dont eat ribeye enough to go through them fast enough(freezer paper not vac sealed) So I was thinking about getting a meat grinder and grinding a bunch for burgers. What do you think...
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    chuck roll

    Lookin good Tim! I've never tried pecan before, but I hear its amung the best smoke woods. Enjoy all the leftovers!

