Chuck roll smoke in the making


Brandon A

TVWBB All-Star
I've been jonesin to get the WSM fired up all week long. I've been putting the performer to work lately and the WSM was getting lonely. I wanted to do a overnighter and knew I was out of pulled beef so it was an easy decision.

I loaded up the boys and headed out to get myself a big ol chuck roll. Its USDA choice and weighs 19.53lbs. The plan is to hack it in half and do Texas BBQ Brisket Blend on one and Dizzy Pig Salt Lick on the other. I want to see what kind of difference I can tell between them. I'm going to try to get them both on the top grate for convience but it may have to be an over/under smoke. Going to add a few fatties at the end of the cook.

I also picked up some new woosty sauce, Lea & Perrins brand because it looked fancy with the paper wrapper
According to the reviews its some good stuff. I will dab the purge off the chuck rolls with paper towels then re-wet the chuck with the woosty and then rub.

I have all the cleaning/foiling, and fuel packed, so the WSM is ready to go. Sometime tonight I'll start the meat prep and hope to have smoke rollin by midnight, for now I wait. More to come.
the last chuck roll i did i rubbed with lea&perrins and dizzy pig's cowlick. it made some mighty fine pulled beef sammy's with a little of steve's no. 5 sauce(with a 1/4 cup of the beef juice added). i might do a chuck roll the 1st week of march since i have a week of vacation left on the books and have to use it or lose it before march 15th.
Tony, I wish I had that problem, I'm always out for the last couple months of the year

The chucks have been rollin along for almost 12 hours now. The roast on the bottom is 10 degrees cooler then the top. They are 152/162 I think when I foil the top chuck I will also put the bottom chuck on the top grate (for easier access later). There should be room now if they've shrunk a bit. While I've got the smoker opened I may as well top off my fuel also.

I went to bed at 12:30am and set the alarm for 2:30 then 4:30 then 6:30 to get up and check temps. I didnt make a single vent change until I got up at 9 this morning. Every time I got up to moniter temps I was thinking to myself. "For $250 I wont have to do this anymore."
I'm waiting on my tax return then its ATC time, I think I've done my time without one.
LOL Brandon, think about what you just wrote!
You didn't have to do a thing to your WSM for the 8 1/2 hours that you could have been sleeping! In that regard, how is an "ATC" going to help?

Have faith in simplicity. The power could go out.


I know it sounds stupid, but if I had the ATC I wouldent have to get up and SEE (call it piece of mind) if my temps were holding. I think I'd take my chances on the power going out. Dont you try to talk me out of buying one now
I keep the remote thermometer beside my bed with an alarm set if the temp goes out of range. It's never gone off.

Let us know how the chuck turned out!

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Brandon A:
I also picked up some new woosty sauce, Lea & Perrins brand because it looked fancy with the paper wrapper
According to the reviews its some good stuff. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
It is good stuff. It's the only brand I buy and use. How did your Chuckie turn out?
It came out very well Bryan, one of the halfs could have gone another 30-45 min probably as it was a little harder to pull then the other, but nothing to complain about. I got 6 ~1.5lb bags vac'd for me and one big bag, probably ~6 lbs, that I plan to take to work someday.

Now I just have to figure out how to reheat and take it to work. I dont want it sitting in the crock for 4 hours before anyone eats it....Maybe I could give the wife instructions on reheating the bag in a pot of simmering water, then transfer to the crock, add a pre-made (so she dosent have to mess with it) finishing sauce and bring it down to work for lunch time (can you hear the gears in my head grinding?

As for the Lea & Perrins, what a HUGE difference from the Frenches I usualy get, I got the "thick" style, which is more like a steak sauce consistancy. It worked well as a rub glue and I think some of its flavor still came through after the long smoke. Although I had a hard time telling the difference in flavor from Texas BBQ Brisket Blend and Dizzy Pig Salt Lick. After such a long cook everything tastes the same to me, maybe I should stop sniffing the smoke while I cook
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Mike R.:
Any news on the chuck??? I want to do one too, or just something. I have been smoke deprived there a patch or gum for this kind of smoking? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

No patch or gum yet, but thats why we always make plenty for leftovers

Edit: Heres a little slideshow of the cook for you photo lovers!
glad it came out well. i need to order some of the texas BBQ rub one day. and brandon, not trying to be picky but the DP is called COWlick
there is a local guy here that sells the whole line of Dizzy Pig rubs. i need to talk to him about looking into the Texas BBQ rubs.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Tony C.:
glad it came out well. i need to order some of the texas BBQ rub one day. and brandon, not trying to be picky but the DP is called COWlick
there is a local guy here that sells the whole line of Dizzy Pig rubs. i need to talk to him about looking into the Texas BBQ rubs. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

thanks for stepping up and telling me
I wonder how many people are saying under their breath "its cow lick you DA" lol. The Texas BBQ is definately robust, I love rubs that are corse ground. The dizzy pig on the other hand probably covers more evenly because its ground more fine. To each his own, I like big chunks.
I like a more robust, as your called it, rub as well. The Brisket Blend from TBR is also really nice, and even more coarsely ground. They say that is so that it is able to withstand the longer cooks that brisket can take. Either way, good stuff, whatever the reason for it is. I just got my 10# in the mail two days ago!
i got mine's today. we have rain till monday so i'll probably get it on tuesday evening. 17.29 pounds. i'm thinking of trying dizzy pig's Redeye Express since it was originally concocted for brisket. the only other roll i did was about the same size and i cut it in half. i think i'll keep this one whole. i might not even foil until it gets done. i have all week to git er done

