Search results

  1. Andy in MA

    Select Bone In Rib Eye

    $7.99 a lb for Select? That sounds high....I just checked my local store's weekly circular and they have bone in riby eye steaks (Choice) for $5.99 a lb.
  2. Andy in MA

    Cupcake Chicken

    I make chicken cupcakes all the time. Usually I'll dice the chicken up into pea sized portions and fold it into the batter, and replace half the milk with chicken stock. A dash of BBQ sauce to a basic frosting recipe and volia! Chicken cupcakes.
  3. Andy in MA

    Beef Rib Steak???

    untrimmed bone in rib eye.
  4. Andy in MA

    Beef Rib Steak???

    A bone in Rib eye? AKA Cowboy Rib eye?
  5. Andy in MA

    New to the smoker world and site

    Hey Bosco, My lovely wife bought me the CB pimp kit that came with the door, the ring, the rotisierie, and the gromets. I'm not sure if the fire ring does anything special, I believe the ring was originaly designed to overcome an ash/vent build up issue from a few years ago that has now been...
  6. Andy in MA

    New WSM 22.5 and a composiite deck--heat issues?

    If it's a wood composite deck, I don't think you'll have a problem. I've used my 18.5 WSM on a wood deck with out any problems, but wouldn't dream of using it on my vinyl Azek deck.
  7. Andy in MA

    Fat Side UP or Fat Side Down: Will be settled tonight!

    I didn't mean to get anyone nervous. There's no need to "panic" In fact, the reason why this is such a mystery to some is very simple there's a Goverment Agenci +++CARRIER LOST+++
  8. Andy in MA

    Fat Side UP or Fat Side Down: Will be settled tonight!

    Rob, Rob, Rob. You're asking questions that weren't ment to be answered. I'd take this "accidental" fire as fair warning. Next time it could be much worse. Trust me. go back to just cooking your butts, and drinking beer. Stop asking questions.... Somethings are better left unanswered. There...
  9. Andy in MA

    Talk to me about Ruth Chris steaks

    Hey Andy, The only dry aging I've done is using the special bags and I've only aged full sub primal cuts (14lb sides) and after aging slicing them into individual steaks. I've never tried the Atlon Brown method. I'd be curious on your results. After aging for seveal weeks I have to carve away...
  10. Andy in MA

    Warranty claim experience

    I have only great things to say about Weber customer service. I've only used them twice; once for a missing bolt on my Genesis, and another for the door handle on my 22.5 WSM. Each time the service was freindly, knowledgable and without hassle. It's really nice in today's age where it seems...
  11. Andy in MA

    Talk to me about Ruth Chris steaks

    I've been dry aging my steaks using these bags for a few years now and the results are great. I typically buy either a USDA Choice ribeye sub primal or sirloin from BJ's and age them for about 35-40 days. After trimming the roast down, I usally can slice the subprimal into 10-12 very nice 2"...
  12. Andy in MA

    Is the cajunbandit ring shorter than the weber roti ring?

    FWIW, my wife just measured the ring and tells me the Cajun Bandit rotiserrie ring is 4.5" high.
  13. Andy in MA

    using Maverick ET732 pre wsm 22.5 mods

    For years I ran the probe wires through one of the top vent holes and hung the Maverick unit off the handle. I don't think you want to pinch the wires under the lid.
  14. Andy in MA

    Is the cajunbandit ring shorter than the weber roti ring?

    Damn, I was going to measure my Cajun Bandit Rotiseire ring yesterday and forgot. Sorry. :mad:
  15. Andy in MA

    Is the cajunbandit ring shorter than the weber roti ring?

    Don't you take the grate out when you use the rotisserie?
  16. Andy in MA

    WSM 22.5 Turkey

    im curious how the brine/injection combo worked? I've found that the brine will not just add moisture, but also draw flavor in, sounds like you might have a sweet flavor from the brine and a kick from the injection? My tureky breast this weekend came out fantastic. cook at 330 degress until...
  17. Andy in MA

    WSM 22.5 Turkey

    I've done a few turkey breasts, and actually will be using my new CB rotisserie tomorow to do another one. Like James says, the 325-350 range works well. I've been using a brine with apple juice, oranges, ginger, garlic and the usual salt and sugars in it. Care to share the brine you found?
  18. Andy in MA

    Vintage Weber Gas Kettle Grill CL Find #2

    I would. It's really interesting to see some of the styles Weber came out with. Thanks for posting your pics! :)
  19. Andy in MA

    Grill killer

    Getting a new daughter because she broke your grill is pretty extreme. But then again I can't fault you, after all it was a Weber.
  20. Andy in MA

    Lamb joints

    There are a a couple of nice leg of lam recipes on this site in the "Cooking Topics" section of this site: My wife and I really enjoy the boneless leg of lamb recipe and have done it many times. Trimming away the the thin silver and fat can be a...

