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  1. S

    A few questions about Boston Butts..

    Travis H, Thanks for the link, Splitting a Butt, I giggled at the title but learned alot. Harry, Thanks for your insight. Will P, <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>once you start wigglin' that little thing's hard to stop. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That...
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    A few questions about Boston Butts..

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Rich G wrote - 3) I haven't seen much fluctuation in recommended cook times bone-in or boneless. Since time is pretty variable anyway based on temp, size, and piece of meat, the 1.5-2hrs per pound guideline should still hold...
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    A few questions about Boston Butts..

    1) Why do people cook bone in? 2) Anybody de-boned a butt and put it in the smoker? 3) Anybody have a revised cook schedule for a de-boned butt? 4) What is your favorite bread for sandwiches? Thanks in advance...
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    tri-tip vs. sirloin tip roast ...

    Chris, Oh I agree completely. It is a rare treat to get a larger (5-6 pounds) tri-tip. The reason is that they can make more $ by processing that larger tri-tip into a 2lb tri-tip & 3lbs of Coulette steaks.
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    tri-tip vs. sirloin tip roast ...

    Chris, However, the 2.5 pound and under tri-tips are not the true size of the bottom sirlon tip. From the tri-tips that I have gotten on occasion, they will weigh in at 5 pounds. The 2.5lb and under tri-tips that are most availible are a what is left of the tri-tip after making 2-3 lbs of...
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    Another newbie question

    Dan, that is why you have a bbq cart or table near to your Weber. By myself, 1) I pull the top rack off the bullet and put it on a table.. 2) baste the meat on the bottom rack... 3) turn the meat on the bottom rack... 4) baste the meat on the bottom rack... 5) put top rack back on...
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    What to do first?

    Chuck D, I agree on the temp window but I assume that folks have a probe and will be monitoring the temps. Probably a stupid assumption... As for "forgiving", I meant that it could be cooked at 205 degrees or 325 degrees and it would still be good. I figure that most rookies and first timers...
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    What to do first?

    DonR, Chalk up another vote for the yard bird... Chicken is an easy one to start with and is very forgiving. Also, it is a shorter smoke...
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    Big Brown Truck Delivered Twins

    Keri, I was gonna post that but I am trying to avoid being a "smart ***" this month... However, you are correct... Heck 10 Baby Back Racks doesn't even fill up 1 smoker. I have cooked 10 racks of trimmed spare ribs and 2 dozen Hot Links in a "standard 2 grate" Weber Bullet.
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    meat prices

    Randy, That is really wierd... we can buy spares out at Costco for like $1.79 per pound right out of the meat aisle. I am suprised that there was that much difference between East and West coast Costco meat prices. Troy, Keep jawing with the meat guy. It will pay off in the long run. I...
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    First disappointment with Costco's meat

    Actually, I have had great luck with the spare ribs that I have bought from Costco. They have been amazing. The only "problem" that I have had with them is that you sometimes get a "mini-slab" of spares that finish well before the normal sized spares. My solution? I put them in the middle...
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    Need a recommendation for a sweetish commercial BBQ sauce...

    Troy, I ended up using your sauce recipe with the 5 parts KC Masterpiece, 1 part Honey, finely chopped onion and 1/2 stick of butter. I probably could have used some more onion, my bottle of KC Masterpiece was huge, but it was a real hit... To be rather honest, I didn't really care for the...
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    meat prices

    Wow! Costco is unbelievible in their pricing! I needed some meat for the weekend for a big tailgate party... Ready for this? Spareribs - $1.49 PER POUND !!! Bought 2 cases...
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    Need a recommendation for a sweetish commercial BBQ sauce...

    thanks guys! btw randy, i love your signature... so true... so true...
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    Need a recommendation for a sweetish commercial BBQ sauce...

    Being a chile head, my tolerance for heat is much higher than most people's. In fact, it turns out, when I am eating what I consider to be rather mild, it is medium-hot for most people. About 80% of my guests absolutely love my BBQ sauce, especially, the ones that grew up on Q or are from a Q...
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    quick smoking dinner?

    Baby back ribs will be done way before that... With all the cooking time in the smoker @ 225 degrees. I can do chicken halves in way under 4 hours with the smoker at 225 degrees... I know that this is sacralige but what I sometimes do, especially during the week, is to smoke my chicken for...
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    meat prices

    In the outskirts of Los Angeles... Baby Backs --- $3.59 per pound Spare Ribs --- $1.79 per pound Tri Tip (Choice) --- $3.79 per pound Brisket (Choice) --- $1.79 per pound You got to hunt for those prices or, as with the tri-tip, by a case (30-35lbs)

