Search results

  1. Teddy J.

    Need an outdoor propane burner recommendation?

    If so, I picked up a Camp Chef Explorer dual burner based off a thread I saw here - and couldn’t be happier so far. I needed a dual burner for daily home use on the patio, requirements; 1) Not huge 2) Boil/fry easy but also go low and simmer/sauté. 3) Sturdy with some height (will be used on...
  2. Teddy J.

    Cast Iron rehab

    Those are some pretty Eries, Greg.
  3. Teddy J.

    Danny Gaulden Mustard Glaze - original recipe

    I’ve used this for years after I came across it here when I first joined.
  4. Teddy J.

    Mothers Day King Crab on the Silver C

    I’ve only done this with snow, but it it was tasty!
  5. Teddy J.

    Who Else has a Ranch Kettle?

    Underrated benefit IMO, especially for those who cook different food at the same time. I’ve been looking for a 26” but think I’d regret it instantly as soon as I saw a Ranch in person.
  6. Teddy J.

    Who Else has a Ranch Kettle?

    😂😂😂 Lol!
  7. Teddy J.

    My first boston butt

    What you describe is my Performer. I’m partial to Weber of course, but yes - Having one cooker to grill high heat, smoke low and slow, cook pizza, make jerky, etc. When you find your right setup it’s tough to beat. WSM made me fall in love with the Weber family, but the Performer is hands...
  8. Teddy J.

    All K Kruger Rub & Sauce Threads

    Thanks y’all! Went poking around for this last night and saw the link broken. This should get me by. Thanks again!
  9. Teddy J.

    Did a brisket flat on the SmokeFire

    Nice ring!
  10. Teddy J.

    Couple questions about my new 22” Performer

    1) Tongs. I use 16” length. 2) Yes, mine slides all the way down into the bail. 3) I have the Performer with older style thermometer. I’d say burn some cooks and it will likely seal up enough to stop leaking there. 4) For all Performer cooks I have top vent 90-100% open at all times unless...
  11. Teddy J.

    Proper Set Up of WSM

    Wherever my slightly out of round mid section feels the tightest. 😉
  12. Teddy J.

    Advice needed on a weird pork butt cook

    If I need to raise temps on the WSM, my order of preference; Open bottom vents more Add more coals Crack/offset the lid Prop open door (upside down) Top vent stays open 100% at all times, I’ll only close this a little to choke down temperatures if needed.
  13. Teddy J.

    My first boston butt

    I’m not familiar with this Charbroil you speak of, but my ole’ WSM is over here handing me a flyer to your local Lowe’s, front page has a picture of an 18” on it. 🙂
  14. Teddy J.

    Charcoal recommendations specifically for slow n sear long smoking session?

    The only criteria I have is that it’s lump. When I first started cooking with live fire I was partial to Royal Oak. After burning enough bags of the stuff from all sorts of brands over the past 13+ years, I just buy what’s on sale now. Proper lighting and fire control wins every time...
  15. Teddy J.

    Deck Demo BBQ Chicken

    More bird updates! Yes! 🙂
  16. Teddy J.

    Question about high heat brisket cook

    There was a HH thread about 15+ years ago on here, I though started by K Kruger. Searched briefly but couldn’t find it, but did find this. Should get you there
  17. Teddy J.

    Deck Demo BBQ Chicken

    Yes! Thanks for the update, Phil.
  18. Teddy J.

    Tri Tip and grilled sweet potatoes and apples

    Cliff - Meat looks awesome, but how do I get some of the veggies?! Yikes.
  19. Teddy J.

    First Time Ribs with Butcher Paper and of Course Rain

    Yikes! Looks fantastic. Color on the bark is perfect.

