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  1. Robert W


    Todd, Have you given any thought to switching from water pan to clay pot base, PP, or sand? I recently switched to clay pot base and will never use water again. The clay pot base is way more efficient then the water. Bob W.
  2. Robert W

    Smokin' at Higher Altitudes

    The altitude I live at in NM is 5500 feet. I used to have issues getting/maintaining decent lid temps when using water pan. My recent switch to a clay pot base has eliminated this problem. My last smoke was two butts (total weight of 16 pounds), which took 17 hours with lid temp of ~250...
  3. Robert W

    Rib Racks and the WSM

    I'm with Jason...used them in the past, but prefer rolling. Bob W.
  4. Robert W

    Keri's Hog-Apple Baked Beans

    Keri, Thanks for a great recipe. I made a double batch of these beans at our annual fishing trip to the north woods of WI last week. We had 12 in our group and everyone really liked them. Everyone went back for seconds, and some for thrids. Bob
  5. Robert W

    Water or Marinade in the water pan

    Eron, The answer to your question was provided 22 and 17 posts below yours. They are titled water pan question and water pan question part 2. Bob W
  6. Robert W

    Baby Backs from the butcher

    Randy, I have thought about doing the same (ribs/butts) and have a few questions for you. I assume ribs on top rack and butt on bottom? What were your temps? How long for the ribs? How long for the butt? Bob W
  7. Robert W

    High temp brisket

    I would like to piggy-back on Bill's question. Instead of wrapping in foil, has anyone placed their brisket in a disposable foil baking pan with foil over the top (crimped/sealed to the baking pan rim)? I have used this technique with ribs and have been very pleased with the outcome. Bob W
  8. Robert W

    High temp brisket

    Thanks Kevin. I read your previous post, but somehow missed the part about the pan and amoount of fuel. I might do a high temp brisket flat next weekend and wanted to ensure I knew what to do. Bob W
  9. Robert W

    High temp brisket

    I've read, re-read all the posts on high temp brisket cooks and didn't see any mention of the water pan. Is a water pan used for this method? If so, which one (original or Brinkman)? Is it full to start? Also, how much charcoal? Bob W
  10. Robert W

    How to make a wind break

    Here are a few pics of my wind break that I used for the first time for my Super Bowl smoke. I started with four pieces of plywood, but didn't think it would hold up too well. So, I framed it with 2X3's...still wasn't I added 3/4 inch styrofoam and covered it with the silver...
  11. Robert W

    Butts over Brisket

    Took the brisket off an hour ago (internal temp of 193) and have it double wrapped in a cooler. The butts are still on and show an internal temp of 181. So far, everything is according to plan. GO BEARS!
  12. Robert W

    Butts over Brisket

    Thanks for the replies. Everything went on 10 minutes ago. I'll contiune to monitor the temps throughout the night. Looking forward to a great day tomorrow. Good food and a Bears victory! Bob W
  13. Robert W

    Super Bowl Cooking

    Two butts over one brisket. Will be starting soon and doing an all night slow cook. Bob W
  14. Robert W

    Butts over Brisket

    I have two butts total weight of 15 lbs (pre-trimmed). I also have a 12 lb brisket. I will be doing the butts over brisket. My plan is to start at 6PM tonight and cook at 220-250 all night. I estimate removing the brisket at about 6-7 AM and the butts at about noon. Does this sound right...
  15. Robert W

    Butts over Brisket

    I know this is a question that has been answered many times, but after reading all the previous posts, I still need some clarification. I am doing 2 butts over 1 whole brisket for the superbowl and don't want to screw it up. My plan is to start them all at the same time and maintain 220-250...
  16. Robert W

    Willy Wonderfull Rub

    Thanks Kevin. Great site...I've used it before, but but joined/registered yesterday. Bob
  17. Robert W

    Willy Wonderfull Rub

    Before I order, I want to confirm the website for Texas BBQ Rub is

