Search results

  1. Jepprey P

    Clean your Kettle ??

    John, I do. I've had ash accumulate and harden in a layer that eventually caused the blades of the One-Touch system to warp away from the bowl. So, now I like to sweep away any leftover ash in the bowl and get a water hose, sponge, and dish liquid to scrub the bowl every once in a while. I also...
  2. Jepprey P

    Q1200 stand

    Scott, there was an Amazon review where the purchaser rigged the Q2000 cart to work with the Q1000 grill. Here is the review: "Bought this for Weber Q1000 grill. They are correct to say it only fits the 2000 model. We modified the cart by adding a support made out of Poplar wood because it...
  3. Jepprey P

    Knife roll bag

    I've used this 8 piece knife roll bag for the past six years: At $20, you can't go wrong, although you'll probably end up buying a bunch of other stuff on the Chef Knives To Go site.
  4. Jepprey P

    All Things Weber with a logo

    Found this on Facebook Marketplace listed as "Weber Yuengling 14inch Smoker" for $200.
  5. Jepprey P

    This may be the wrong group to ask...

    Meathead has a great article on this:
  6. Jepprey P

    Date on Gas Go Anywhere

    None that I'm aware of. I checked my 2000-2011-ish and 2012-2014-ish gas Go Anywhere grills, and could not find any identifying marks other than machined numbers ("2D-0402" and "4D-0202") and dye/ink-stamped numbers on the regulator assembly ("020909" and "121811"). I think you can roughly...
  7. Jepprey P

    The stuff people think up to sell

    Literally priceless. ;)
  8. Jepprey P

    California > Pacifica: Gorilla Barbeque

    Nice write-up on a BBQ joint I'd love to frequent in a place that was centered on my old stomping ground for surfing growing up. (SF down to Santa Cruz.) I wish I could return home, but I can't afford it.
  9. Jepprey P


    Looks like a great cook! I'd want some of that any day.
  10. Jepprey P

    Tomahawks on the 14" WSM

    Wait, wait, wait...what are these butterfly stoves you speak of? I may need to get one. ;)
  11. Jepprey P

    Will a WSM benefit me?

    "I mainly just cook for 3-4 people and it would be great to cook for more." Get the 22" WSM. You'll continue to cook most of your meals on your kettle throughout the year, but when you want to host people for a cookout, you'll have the cooking space for it in the form of the 22" WSM. I have...
  12. Jepprey P

    Filipino Style Pork and Chicken Skewers

    On my short list of recipes to try in the short term, thanks!
  13. Jepprey P

    Tomahawks on the 14" WSM

    They sell them over at Import Food ( I also use a 14" traditional wok, grilling wok, and comal on it.
  14. Jepprey P

    Tomahawks on the 14" WSM

    Will do. Thanks for the inspiration!
  15. Jepprey P

    Tomahawks on the 14" WSM

    Thanks, JimK. It's the Hunsaker "Vortex" diffuser plate ( It doesn't spin, but supposedly directs airflow in a manner that evens out the heat from the thermal rise for even heat cooking...
  16. Jepprey P

    Tomahawks on the 14" WSM

    The family got me a couple of tomahawk steaks for Father's Day, so after being inspired by B.A. Poole's hanging tomahawk post, decided to try that method out on the 14" WSM. They were over 2.5lb. each. Cooked them at 250 degrees for an hour or so with pecan wood chunks. Finished them up...
  17. Jepprey P

    Vintage Weber cookbooks

    Thanks, Chris. I bought the book in Bob's link, but I'm certain that I looked at it and then passed over the eBay posting you mentioned earlier, not realizing that the BH&G/Weber Grill Out! cookbook was included. You have your finger on the pulse!
  18. Jepprey P

    Vintage Weber cookbooks

    Well heck, your google-foo is much better than mine. Thank you! It's not 1970s, but a 1990 reprint, I think? I bought the book, anyway. It looks like Weber re-issued cookbooks over the 80s and most of the 90s instead of publishing new books, if my theory about the 4-book 197X/1996 series and...
  19. Jepprey P

    Vintage Weber cookbooks

    Nice collection going there! I have Great American Grilling (1997) on its way. I think the 4-book 1970s Grill by the Book series was republished by Weber & Sunset in 1996 (same authors, Betty Hughes and Jerry Anne DiVecchio) and then offered as a compendium in the form of Great American...
  20. Jepprey P

    Vintage Weber cookbooks

    Bob, yup, pretty much. I have the Barbecuing the Weber Covered Way cookbook and besides enjoying the vintage pics of grills and accessories, found that the chicken recipes (Chicken Pieces, Quarters or Halves a la Lasher; Roasted Chicken, Stuffed Chicken, Roasted Capon) all have three of the...

