Search results

  1. J

    WSM 22.5 with no grommet

    I drilled all of mine and installed my own grommets made from lamp nipples that I can seal off with a cap. Some use regular pipe nipples. That said, I hardly ever use mine. I find it to be hassle when I am using the lower grate. Not a big one but you still have to remove the probe from the...
  2. J

    Royal Oak Lump...I don't get it

    Got me, that is all I use and haven't noticed that problem. My guess would be a little wet. I store mine in a semi-conditioned space. Charcoal will draw moisture.
  3. J

    Brisket Issue on 22.5" WSM

    Didn't know there was a grade less than select. Boy, that could be interesting. I think Kevin is correct, but I would throw choice in with the prime or better just to be safe due to the way the meat is graded. You could actually get a choice brisket from a select grade steer.
  4. J

    WSM Accessories. . .

    Try for good covers. Find a shovel from a fireplace set at a garage sale and save some money. Skip the ET 732 and get the Thermoworks Chef's Alarm. About the same price and much more accurate. My ET 732 is the least accurate of any of my thermometers.
  5. J

    Brisket Issue on 22.5" WSM

    Some of the best tasting brisket I have ever had was cooked at 225. Staying below 160-170 for a longer period may be part of it. I have also read that a brisket really doesn't do best cooked hot and fast, although I have competed against some teams that cook it on a UDS and do pretty good...
  6. J

    Brisket Issue on 22.5" WSM

    Bob is correct. If you place the probe next to cold meat it will distort the reading. Whenever I load two big packers in the WSM, I hang the probe through the top vent so that it is away from the meat, and do the same for butts. Chicken and ribs aren't as bad at distorting the reading, although...
  7. J

    Brisket Issue on 22.5" WSM

    Generally 196 is minimum for a pork butt. The ends, money muscle and tubes around bone, may hit this before the middle. If you are pulling the entire butt, go for tender in the center. Probe it for tenderness just like a brisket. We use temp monitors like Frank said so we will know when to start...
  8. J

    Brisket Issue on 22.5" WSM

    Like Bob said, forget temps. Cook till your probe slides in like a hot knife in butter. 195 will hardly ever be high enough. 203-205 is generally a minimum.
  9. J

    New Cajun Bandit additions in use

    Thanks. If I remember it was taken just before I fired them up on Friday night. WSM on right belongs to a teammate, but after the way the new doors performed, I'm sure it will have a new door pretty quick.
  10. J

    New Cajun Bandit additions in use

    I replaced the doors on my WSMs with the Cajun Bandit stainless steel doors and the Southco Compression latch, SC-62315, previously posted on here. I also ordered the kettle conversion kit for an extra OTS I had sitting around and used all of them in a competition this past weekend. I can't...
  11. J

    Great General Cleaner for WSM

    The Awesome cleaner smells acid based. Works great on grease and oil but you have to be little careful with what you use it on.
  12. J

    Insulating WSM

    I use old army blankets from garage sales. Just cut to fit. You can do two WSMs with one blanket.
  13. J

    2013 Jack Daniels results

    American Royal Invitational and Jack Daniels winner! Great job Tuffy! 1. Cool Smoke 2. A Boy and his BBQ. 3. Blazen BBQ 4. Insane Swine BBQ 5. QUAU 6. 4:20 Q 7. Jo-Bawb’s BBQ 8. Killer B’s BBQ 9. Gilly’s BBQ 10. I.A.B. 30 BBQ
  14. J

    A Wyocena Yacht Club first! *****

    What a sight! Saw this on Brethern and had to show my wife I don't have more Webers than the entire rest of the world like she claims. Thanks for getting me off the hot seat. Your shed is way too neat and organized. Didn't show wifey that one.:D
  15. J

    Amateur/Backyard to Professional

    You can email Rob a/k/a Rub, and ask when the next one will be. He is a great guy. I think he is at the Jack Daniels this week. Also may be in the World Food Championship in NV Nov. 6.
  16. J

    No luck with the lid temperature gauge

    Weber will replace it, but many don't use it and use a remote closer to the grate.
  17. J

    Amateur/Backyard to Professional

    We never did backyard before entering a sanctioned competition. The thing that hepled most was a competition class, it really shortens the learning curve, depending on which school it is. Rub has a great class not that far from you. Swamp Boys is the name of his team and how the class is...
  18. J

    Fuel for my new WSM - What to Expect

    What Dwain said.
  19. J

    13 pound packer

    If you have a Sam's near you, try a choice and then a prime packer and see if you notice a difference. Around here, the prime is only .20-.40 per pound more than choice.
  20. J

    18.5 Rib Racks

    This is what we use. You can also drape a brisket over it if the brisket is a little big for the smoker.

