Search results

  1. J

    WSM 22.5 + cajun bandit door + Compression latch (SC-62315)

    I didn't gasket my CB doors. They fit so good, didn't need to. You may have to do bottom since you did the sides. Try it and see.
  2. J

    Smaller ring for the 22.5" WSM

    Should work great, if it doesn't hit the bottom of the pan. Great score. Keep your eyes open for more and make some spare change on the side. Bet you could sell these bad boys.
  3. J

    Can't Decide: 18.5 or 22.5 WSM

    I'm probably not a good person to answer since I have all three sizes, but there are times when I really appreciate the size of the 22.5". I use all three and have used all three in the past 3 weeks, just depends on what I am cooking. If I had to choose just one, I'd probably go with the 22.5"...
  4. J

    Where do you put your WSM top grate when rotating?

    I just use an old bath towel. Keeps the grate from melting the plastic table.
  5. J

    Smokin' cheese

    We smoke on WSM and kettle. Trick is to get smoke but no heat. Easier with WSM, charcoal further away. Robert is entirely correct on wrapping, storing, etc. Never really noticed a big color change.
  6. J

    First brisket on WSM

    Brisket sandwich, my favorite. Yours looks great.
  7. J

    Your BEST butt BARK?

    Notice any difference?
  8. J

    Your BEST butt BARK?

    I think in a WSM you could trim the fat cap if you were so inclined. No direct heat for the cap to protect from. I've been wanting to try butts without the pan to see if the UDS guys are right that the drippings hitting the hot coals adds flavor, just haven't gotten around to it.
  9. J

    Top grate on the 18.5 doesn't seem very stable.

    Place a stainless steel flat washer between the bracket that holds the grates and the body of the smoker. This will pull the bracket out some. If you do one on all three you should be good.
  10. J

    WSM 22.5 + cajun bandit door + Compression latch (SC-62315)

    You will need to enlarge the hole in the door a little. Step drill is the easy way. Close enough that if you don't have the bit, some time with a round file will also work, but stainless isn't the easiest to file.
  11. J

    22.5: what's with the shallow water pan?

    Great tip! I need a shallow pan for my Cajun Bandit conversion, pan that comes with it is even deeper than WSM, and I don't want to pay the $70 or so a new pan costs. Better get to looking on CL for one of these.
  12. J

    Still cooking on my Weber cookers

    Good to see you back.
  13. J

    I got a heck of a deal on the Weber charcoal holders today at Lowes.

    I got some good deals at the Lowes in Republic, so if you are needing more stuff you might check there. I even bought a pizza kit. All on sale. Guess they are closing out for the new stuff, but I bet a lot of it will be the same.
  14. J

    Just Ordered First WSM Any Advice

    Best way to season is cook on it. The door is poor quality. You might be able to shape it enough, just keep at it, but I really like the Cajun Bandit SS doors for the 22". After plenty of seasoning, my doors were ok, but I put the CB on anyway. Tight fit, but it is pricy since you should also...
  15. J

    Maiden voyage for the 14 1/2"

    Sorry, they did not last very long.
  16. J

    Maiden voyage for the 14 1/2"

    Got my special deal in from Amazon thanks to Bob and decided to try it Sat. with 2 slabs of St. Louis ribs. Obviously, the slabs had to be cut in half as they won't fit the grate and I didn't want to use rib racks. I did nothing like I normally do. I wanted to give it a good test. No Minion...
  17. J

    Visual Comparison Between the 14.5 WSM and the Mini-Joe Smokers

    I too just finished putting together my "Amazon Deal" baby smoker. I agree, the instructions are mostly non-existent but really aren't needed. Box was a little beat up, but all of the stuff that was supposed to be wrapped in plastic seemed to be. All looked new. Of course, the door needed...
  18. J

    1969 - 1970 Red Weber Kettle

    Very nice shape. Love the reds.
  19. J

    Boning Knife?

    If you are just going to use for chicken thighs, a Rapala Fillet Knife works great and cheap.
  20. J

    Boning Knife?

    The Victorinox 6" curved boning knife is very good. They come in a stiff or flex blade. Click the Amazon link above and check them out.

