Search results

  1. H

    Thick Cut Pork Chops

    everything looks great!!!
  2. H

    Pizza on the OTG but a tough day

    Great looking Pizza, love the sauce. Man that stinks about your camera.
  3. H

    First Try at Pizza on the Grill. Not so Good...

    try again, I don't think you are as far off a good pizza as you think!! It isn't easy, but it is fun.
  4. H

    Another first smoke EVER report

    Great work, keep the pics coming!!!
  5. H

    Friday night Pizza cook using the KettlePizza

    nice work, I need to try that combo looks fantastic!!!!
  6. H

    One drunk Bird

    love the color on that bird, looks soo good.
  7. H

    Peach Cobbler

    man, looks soo good. I would love a big bowl of that right now.
  8. H

    Finished my course today so grilling to celebrate !

    love the steak and congrats!!
  9. H

    There is something fishy goin' on around here...

    Love it!! Great looking fish.
  10. H

    HELP! Need a recipe for a work contest!

    I think so, or you could get up early and cook them in the morning and put in at cooler to keep warm-- either way.
  11. H

    New guy from the Philadelphia area

    Welcome!! Looking forward to seeing your food.
  12. H

    Burger night

    Cooked some burgers last night on the OTG. Used angus 80/20 chuck with some dry rub, BBQ sauce, and worchesterchire sauce mixed in the burgers as will as S&P on both sides. Cooked direct and than moved indirect to melt the cheese - which was aged white sharp cheddar. Then they got topped with...
  13. H

    Pepper Beef-- No Stout, No Heat

    looks great!!!
  14. H

    HELP! Need a recipe for a work contest!

    I did these things called pig candy the other week that were great. You take smoked sausage and cut them into small pieces and then wrap them with super thick cut bacon as to make a cup ( you want the bacon to be higher than the sausage). you then tooth pick the bacon on the sausage and place...
  15. H

    pizza on OTS the bane of my existence

    I have had good results with the emile Henry stone from Bed bath and beyond. the stone has handles so you can pick it up and move it. It is also enamile coated like a lecruet dutch oven, which helps with sticking. Last week i used it with fresh dough and floured the stone, rolled the dough on...
  16. H

    First BBQ Charity Event

    This is exactly what I did last weekend when serving at the Atlanta BBQ festival. They had small cups they were around 1 oz and spoons we provided the serving trays, meat, sauce etc. bring more sauce than you think you need, people really poured on the sauce - I had it is squeeze bottles. We...
  17. H

    Sunday morning....

    two great looking meals Tony!!
  18. H

    Pulled Beef, Tatties n Beans

    good work!! I love the sandwich!!
  19. H

    Hello from Marietta, GA

    Welcome from down the road in Decatur, GA!!
  20. H

    Atl BBQ fest weekend

    My team front porch BBQ competed in the Atlanta BBQ festival last weekend we had a great time, there were 50 pro teams and also a people's sample contest selling 1 oz samples to the public. We did very well for this being our second contest we came in 18th overall and placed 5th in pork cooked...

