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  1. J

    Weather forecast

    I think ribs and butts are pretty forgiving, so I was thinking more along the lines of a low/slow brisket. I only really use water in the bowl when I'm trying to run cooler temperatures (in warmer weather) or looking for a slow rise to temp. Yes, the water acts as a heat sink to buffer...
  2. J

    Bacon Curing Question

    Unless its abnormally thick, you should be fine at 5-6 days. I guess you could potentially have problems if you cold smoke it for a long time, but more likely than not you'll just have a grey spot. If you're very worried just cut the slab in half, but I'm sure you're ready to rinse. I'd also...
  3. J

    Weather forecast

    I might start a debate, but I wouldn't worry about water in the pan. It's just going to slow you down and I know the weather isn't going to be good tomorrow. If you have a wide roll of foil, I'd foil the waterpan and not think about it until you do something that's more sensitive than ribs or...
  4. J

    Butt and tenderloin

    The butt will take much longer than the loin, so keep that in mind if you want them done at the same time. Or you could just be like me and hate to see an empty grate in my WSM.
  5. J

    did i hear salmon on the menu?

    Great cooks Sparky. That salmon was perfect.
  6. J

    Breaking in the WSM

    Me too, especially those snausages.
  7. J

    Been a Long Time! Turkey!

    Nice bird! I like your spot in the circle of Webers.
  8. J

    Yet another bacon cook

    Wow Geir! The scenery stole the show, but that bacon is gorgeous. It sounds similar to what we call Canadian Bacon (which I don't believe is really Canadian), which is cured and smoked loin but is trimmed differently. Here's a shot of some that I just made, and I wonder how it compares to yours.
  9. J

    Christmas Bacon

    Welcome to the club, you are off to a great start! I think we now have a slicer and FoodSaver because we make bacon.
  10. J

    Marinade vs. Rub

    I'm with you. I don't marinade very often lately, and when I do it's usually something with a ton of flavor like Mojo Criollo. I will say that I just got a Foodsaver and want to try using that to marinade just to see how it works.
  11. J

    Slicer recommendations?

    I have one of the cheaper Chef's Choice models, and it's been great. I think a few guys on here have that brand, so if you search by name you should be able to find some reviews. I've done bacon, lunchmeat, cheese, tomatoes, etc.
  12. J

    Salsa Verde Chicken Burritos and White Bean Turkey Chili

    That's fantastic. Thanks for sharing the recipe, too. Dumb question: could you use canned tomatillos? Fresh ones aren't always available around here, and can get kind of pricey when I do find them off-season.
  13. J

    Texas Pork Chops from Weber

    Nice cook Rolf. That's a sweet light -- I need one of those for my kettle. The Celebration Ale was pretty good this year, but don't overdo it. I did a few weeks back and woke up tasting hops the next day. :p
  14. J

    Christmas short ribs

    Great cook and amazing pics! I hope you find time to share some more meals this winter.
  15. J

    Redhead 22 on the Road from Xmas Dinner Cook

    Your brother could do a lot worse than a Summit and a kettle, that's quite a combination. Kind of like lobster tails and rib eyes!
  16. J

    Christmas Bird in Calgary

    Wow! Great cook. I'll quit complaining about my weather now.
  17. J

    Smoking Marathon Part 2: Home-Cured and Smoked Ham

    Thanks for your comments everyone! I pumped and pickled. You could really taste the brine ingredients when the ham was cold. This was $1.49/lb. That's including skin, and I'm really not sure what the final weight was before cooking. I'd be happy to walk you through it. Pink (curing) salt...
  18. J

    Smoking Marathon Part 2: Home-Cured and Smoked Ham

    It was out of the brine for almost a day before smoking. You can see the nitrite (pink salt) in the picture looking down into the brining bucket. I mostly followed the recipe in Cooking by Hand except mine is smoked.
  19. J

    Here we go...

    Very nice Kevin! You might want to try stuffing first and then twisting into links, especially if you are doing it solo.
  20. J

    Using trim from pork bellies for sausage-making

    I never thought to square them off before curing. I do it when they're finished and before I slice, and then save the odd end pieces to use in cooking.

