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  1. J

    Large Cook Planned - Advice Please

    Thanks to everyone for all the responses. Sorry for my delayed response, but I had some issues logging into my Groupee account. I did some measuring and found that there are 8 inches between the top and bottom grate. The soup cans I have are 4 inches tall, which means whatever goes on the...
  2. J

    Large Cook Planned - Advice Please

    Hello All, I was planning on smoking the following starting Friday night around 6:00 PM, and I have a couple questions. 2 8 lbs. Pork Butts 1 17 - 18 lbs. Brisket 1 20 lbs. Chuck Roll I'm planning on using the soup can method to add a third grate between the top and bottom grate and haven't...
  3. J

    Foodsaver vs. Black and Decker

    Well I actually went today. I got the model V825 and it is like night and day. I really like the fact that I don't need to press down on it during the whole process in order for it to seal.
  4. J

    Foodsaver vs. Black and Decker

    Clay J, that is the post I've been waiting for. Tomorrow I'm going to return my B & D and get the Foodsaver... Thanks.
  5. J

    Foodsaver vs. Black and Decker

    Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions. In response... 1. Threre is no strip on the lid to interfere with sealing. The problem really only happens when I am trying to seal very moist meat. 2. I probably should make the bags a bit longer. I'm portioning the meat into 6 oz. portions...
  6. J

    Foodsaver vs. Black and Decker

    Anyone have any comments? I bought a Black and Decker vacum seal system because it was about $100 less than the Foodsaver. The problem I'm having is that it doesn't seal very well. If there is any moisture at the seal point, it doesn't seal. If there is a crimp (miniscule...) in the bag it...
  7. J

    Foodsaver and Liquid

    Is there really a need to put some type of liquid in with the meat?
  8. J

    Wood chunks incinerated in first hour!

    I agree with Doug D in regard to smoke wood and poultry. The first time I did a chicken I used hickory... way to much hickory. It wasn't that it tasted that bad, the problem was that I tasted it for the entire next day.
  9. J

    Doing BRITU for first time...

    I'm doing the BRITU for the first time myself today as well. I threw the ribs on at 3:45 and expect to have them done by 8:30 at the latest... just in time for the Patriots game! Things seem to be going well. I don't think I put enough of the rub on though... we'll see.
  10. J

    Baby Back Ribs in Boston

    Hi all. Thanks for all the comments. I guess I'm going to have to give the spares another try. They only cost $1.79/lb at the local supermarket. My first spares weren't enhanced, but I didn't remove the membrane. I did them before I found this site. Also, I think I probably used to much...
  11. J

    Baby Back Ribs in Boston

    You think spares are as good? I did them once, it was actually my first cook on the WSM, and didn't think they came out that good. I've been a little gun shy since then.
  12. J

    Baby Back Ribs in Boston

    Anyone out there from the Boston area, or anywhere in New England for that matter? If so, I'm looking for a butcher or meat market to get GOOD baby back ribs where the prices aren't outrageous. I'm willing to drive pretty much anywhere, so if you have a suggestions I'd like to hear it. I...
  13. J

    Lump Charcoal question...

    Hi Jack, Sorry for the delayed response, but here goes. That was a lid temp I was reporting, and I wasn't using the Guru. I've seen a lot of post about the Guru lately and it sounds like it is worth checking out. I used water for the cook. I don't have any sand right now, but I plan on...
  14. J

    Lump Charcoal question...

    Thanks for the suggestions Bill. The wind actually died down, so it isn't really a problem now. Things have been very going well so far. I've probably read more negative than positive post in regard to smoking with lump charcoal, but so far it has been running absolutely perfect. It took...
  15. J

    Lump Charcoal question...

    Keeping it out of the wind is going to be impossible. It is pretty windy up here in MA right now.
  16. J

    Lump Charcoal question...

    Sounds good Bruce. I'll be firing it up in about an hour and throwing on a 20.5 lbs. chuck roll.
  17. J

    Lump Charcoal question...

    I'm using lump charcoal, Royal Oak, for the first time on what I expect to be at least a 20 hour cook and have a couple questions. 1. Can I use the Minion Method with lump? 2. Should I be worried about getting four or five hours of sleep and not checking on the temps? Thanks, John
  18. J

    17 lb. Brisket - Cooking Time

    Well I just finished eating, and let me tell you... that was the best beef I've ever eaten. Luckily I still have a LOT left. Looks like you were a few weeks early Kruger! I think the foil made a big difference. Not only did it keep the meat moist, but the juice made a great gravy. Next time...
  19. J

    17 lb. Brisket - Cooking Time

    Well, it has been 17 hours, the internal temps aroud right around 195 - 200, and everything seems to have gone alright. I put the brisket in foil with some beef stock. I'll take it off once it hits 205 and luckily I have enough time to let it sit for 4 hours. It looks great and thanks to...
  20. J

    17 lb. Brisket - Cooking Time

    This hasn't been a very smooth cook at all. The only leak that I could see was at the door, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. The temp just spiked to about 290. I added some cold water to the water pan and sprayed some on the coals as well. All the vents are still closed.

