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    Blankety Blan Temperatures

    Thanks for the clarification J. Canada Mike, looks like I'm in the same boat as you. I haven't done really long cooks yet, but I was wondering about the whole temperature consistency. I was doing the same thing as you, filling the chamber and then lighting a whole chamber. After re-reading...
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    My smoking life (so far)

    Hi Keith, Welcome to the forum. This site is also what sold me on the WSM. I was planning on following the Professor's 5 step method, but after asking around, I decided to just jump right in and go for the ribs. I've smoked them 2, both with grat results. Then a couple of weeks ago, I did...
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    A Shot at Jim's Rub

    Could you use this on Chicken, or would it be more of a rub for ribs? Sorry, not really up on my homemade rubs yet
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    Which smoker to buy?

    Being a fairly new WSM owner, I can tell you my experience. I did a lot of research before buying and I also thought the price was a little steep, considering 1) I already have a pretty good gasser and 2) I don't really know if I'll like the whole BBQ experience. Finally I decided that if I...
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    Photos of BRITU

    Them's some nice looking photos. So, give us some more did they taste? What did others think about them. As for the photos, I did the opposite of you this weekend, I bought a couple of whole chickens, split them, rubbed them and cooked them and only took pics of the end...
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    How Much Chicken

    We're going camping this weekend and I'm bring my the WSM. We went camping a couple of weeks ago and I brought the WSM and did 3 racks of ribs. I was the hit of the campsite. This weekend we're going camping and I was thinking of doing chicken, just 'cause it's something different and to be...
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    Wood Chips

    If I can't get my hands on any chunks of wood to put in the charcoal chamber of the WSM, can I just use some wood chips, you know, the bags you can buy at the local Home Depot or Canadian Tire. Or will they catch fire too quickly and not give the nice smokey taste that I would be looking for?
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    Second cook - spares...a couple of tips please

    If I'm going to start them at, say, 11:00am tomorrow, can I apply the rub tonight. It's my son's b-day party tomorrow and I know that I'll have other things to do and won't really have time to apply the rub. Or should I trim properly tonight and then just apply the rub tomorrow. I was...
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    Second cook - spares...a couple of tips please

    I'm going to be doing my second cook this weekend, a rack of spares, 3.5# untrimmed. Couple of questions: 1. Timing: I was thinking 6-7 hours, is that going to be too long? 2. Baste/Spray: My last cook (Babies), I didn't spray/baste, but I did foil with a combo of apple, grape and pineapple...
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    First attempt on the WSM

    Hey Mike, sorry to hear about your burn-out. Obviously you learned a very important lesson, get a thermometer. Doesn't have to be anything expensive, there's a lot of info in the Tips and Mod's section. How much fuel did you use and how were your vents set, open, 50%, closed? I'm also a...
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    BBQ Classes

    Totally agree with both of you. I don't want to give the impression that I want to "buy" my way to being a better Q'er. I read someone's post that summed it up get to eat your mistakes. I've already fired up the WSM a couple of times and can't wait until the next time, and...
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    BBQ Classes

    Anyone ever take one of the BBQ classes that are offered (e.g Dr. BBQ's class). Seems to be a real popular thing in the states, (particularly Virginia and California), but I can't really see anything in the Ontario, Canada (or more specifically the Ottawa region) I know, the best way to learn...
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    Cooking ribs and butt for 25

    last weekend I did 2 racks of baby backs for 6 of us (adults) and added 10 chicken breasts (for the 6 adults + 5 kids). The ribs were gone, literally in minutes. Granted I didn't do the butts, but I would still think that with 25 people you probably won't have enough. My .02
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    Serving a Pork Roast

    This may seem silly, but does anyone not pull their pork roast and instead opt to slice it and serve it as you would, say, a beef roast?
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    Lump Question

    Thanks for the tip on the additional grate. I did in fact find that a lot of the lump fell through on my first cook, so I was wondering if I had to do something different when placing the charcoal, like place each piece one by one or something like that. I'll definitely look at the mod and...
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    Lump Question

    Just wondering if anyone has any experience with Big Green Egg Lump. I've checked it out on the nakedwhiz site, but considering I'm a newbie with all this, I was hoping some of the experts would chime in.

