Search results

  1. D

    Need great Baby back rib recipe

    The BRITU recipe in the "cooking topics" is one that has been well used around here. Here's the link.
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    leg diameter

    Have you looked at Timothy's post? He mounted a 3" caster using the support connecting the three legs. You might have a cleaner fabrication in mind, but his seems to look efficient and it's simple reversible mod, if need arises.
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    leg diameter

    Surprisingly (for me), I thought of that last time I was in there, but my HD chooses to only display Weber gassers. They keep the kettles boxed up. Don't ask me why. They do have a Smokey Joe on display. Now that I think about it, my Target doesn't have one on display either... I guess the...
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    leg diameter

    Please excuse my laziness, but does anyone know the diameter of the leg on a OTG? I have a HD run to make after I leave work today. My grill is missing the stopper for the "non-wheeled" leg and I'm starting to scratch up my driveway and garage with all of my moving in and out. I figured maybe...
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    Roadside Chicken Expiriment + Pics

    I am looking forward to trying the Roadside Chicken recipe this weekend on my OTG. I understand that the need to marinate frequently is important, especially over direct heat. I have two questions - 1.) I don't have a Worcestershire bottle empty (note to self... keep next empty bottle), so is...
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    Drum dolly for cart?

    Rich, this might be far fetched, but I was thinking that a piece of sheet metal (i.e. flashing type material) could be rolled up and slid into the base and be used as a wind shield. The sheet could be stored flat when not used. I saw it in the Northern catalog and I thought I would throw the...
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    Drum dolly for cart?

    Could a drum dolly like this be modified into a WSM cart? It would need a base of some sort.
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    Go Anywhere gas line adapter

    I went ahead and made a 4 for 3 purchase on Amazon and picked up the hose.
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    With my WSM, I've got my own little "Harbormaster Starter Kit".
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    I made my first CL purchase today. I bought a OTG that was one year old and an unused Go Anywhere gas from a couple today for $40. I think I really got a great deal. The OTG is in great shape and super clean. I can't wait to fire it up. I am looking for an inexpensive hose for the Go...
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    Go Anywhere gas line adapter

    I am "in negotiation" on a CL deal where I am buying a OTG. They also have a new/unused Go Anywhere gas grill for sale. I haven't expressed interest in the Go Anywhere yet. I would like to know if anyone has one and if it would be worth grabbing up. I would like to use the Go Anywhere as a...
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    Another reheating pulled pork question

    I with you, Pat. No need to make a crazy day any more hectic. Good luck, enjoy, and my congrats to the family.
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    Another reheating pulled pork question

    Pat, Have you considered starting your cook relatively early on Saturday? Maybe start around 4:00 on Saturday, figure 16 hours to cook, pull them from the WSM Sunday morning around 8:00, foil and store in a cooler until Sunday lunch. Butts will continue to warm for quite a while. I have...
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    Smoked Cheese

    Take 2. I am going to try a medium cheddar along with mozzarella. I will change up and use dry wood instead of soaking it this time. I have two blocks of cheddar. I'll seal one up and leave it alone for a month or so and see if I get a difference. I appreciate everyone's help.
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    Lump or charcoal purchasing

    Lou, Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind. I have a pre-cooked ham that I want to smoke that might be a good start with lump.
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    Tear Jerker's *****

    Lance, I play in a gospel bluegrass band and we end all of our gigs with Ashoken Farewell. Real pretty song.
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    Lump or charcoal purchasing

    So it sounds like Royal Oak lump is the way to go with "store bought" lump. Walmart carries Royal Oak here. Thanks for the offers from my "neighbors" and the help from all.
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    Lump or charcoal purchasing

    Amid the numerous discussions on the pros and cons of lump and/or charcoal on this site, I have decided to try lump for my next butt. However, with the absence of Rancher now at HD, I don't know what is left out there that is easily to buy (like at a Walmart or HD). I really don't want to...
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    25 pounds of pork butt

    I start cooking at 10 or 11 for 1 to 2 butts, but I'd probably start at a 8 or 9 for 3 to 4 butts coming from my own experience. If you plan on foiling for a couple of hours, you might want to think about an earlier start. I did a 10:00 start the first time I did six butts and they didn't get...
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    25 pounds of pork butt

    Larry, I still consider myself a newbie at this, but have cooked as many six butts at one time. I wouldn't say you have any pitfalls to worry about (I would guess that with your experience, you have probably considered them all). I'd say additional time is a definite and refuel could be a...

