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  1. D

    Outdoor kitchen

    Craig, I already covered that step. I picked up a nice stainless single basin of off Freecycle. It sparked the whole idea of building my own unit. I want something a little more customized than the standard cabinet. Thanks for the suggestion though.
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    Outdoor kitchen

    Kevin, Good questions I should have answered beforehand. In terms of mobility, I'm not looking at towing. I just want to bring my kitchen to the backyard - when I want to. I'm thinking large coasters or cart wheels. I would like a length of 5-6 feet, and deep enough to install a sink on one...
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    Outdoor kitchen

    An engineer friend and I are looking to design and build a mobile outdoor kitchen. The basic concept is for the unit to be hinged on one end and open in halves - one with a sink/water hook up and food prep area; the other half as a serving area. Storage space underneath will also be necessity...
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    Bryan, Check your email. Thanks, Donny
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    Glad you guys like them! Enjoy!
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    Jerry, I'm not a big fan of the nasties either. For me the bear claws just make it quicker to find them to pull out. Jim, I think you will find you have made a wise investment.
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    I love them. They make quick work of pulling pork. Ditto others; they are worth the money.
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    What's your throw-down dish? *****

    Thanks, Bryan.
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    What's your throw-down dish? *****

    Larry, Is Kevin's rub on the site somewhere? If so, could you provide a link? Thanks, Donny
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    cook time for 6 butts

    Lexx, I'd agree with Scott. Three on each rack will cut down your flow of heat in between and around the meat. I've never propped my butts like Scott describes, so I've always figured for an extra 3 to 4 hours. However, I'll also foil and rest in a cooler for a couple of hours to have a...
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    What is the most slabs you have got in 18.5"?

    Maybe some day someone will invent a keyboard key that is a shorthand equivalent for the phrase "Looks delicious, Larry!", but until then everything "looks delicious, Larry!". Now I want ribs for dinner...
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    What is the most slabs you have got in 18.5"?

    With BB's, you can roll them and hit double digits. It seems like I have done 12 or 13 before. I know I got 7 racks on top, but I don't remember the bottom rack number.
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    Catering questions *****

    Here is a BBQ spreadsheet planner I have used in the past to help get my numbers right. You can add your own numbers in a number of cells and it will auto adjust.
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    Catering questions *****

    Chris, With advertising, websites can be a low cost expense. There are a number of relatively cheap and easy setups on the Net. If you are a Mac owner, iWeb is a great option if you have a Mobile Me account. I think your on to something with the free events - have business cards available to...
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    Rada Knives

    The lunch ladies at the school where I teach sell these knives as a fundraiser. I've tried to find reviews on these. Anyone use these knives?
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    Roadside Chicken

    RS buffalo wings turned out really well. I did three dozen total and I "sauced" about 15-18 with Franks. They were tasty! I would have done more, but the rest were getting eaten up too quickly. I forgot that the "RS" stands up pretty well by itself.
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    Roadside Chicken

    Yep. I'm attempting to make a modified version of RS Buffalo Wings.
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    Roadside Chicken

    How long should I plan for cook time? I'm guessing 20-25 minutes?
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    Roadside Chicken

    I'm not sure if anyone has asked this question (I'm thinking that I might have many moons ago), but I'm looking to spice this recipe up a bit and do version of Buffalo Wings. What would you suggest to add to the original ingredients? I'm thinking tabasco or cayenne powder. Anyone with...
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    Direct TV dish

    The caster system held up well during its overnight cook. We had a pretty strong thunderstorm blow through last night and it is right where I left it. I did learn that the dish will need additional holes for drainage as there was standing water.

