Recent content by RDOwens

  1. RDOwens

    Disaster averted

    Many years ago I had a gasser that needed work. As I walked the aisles of the home improvement store with replacement parts, I began adding up the cost of overhauling the thing. Once tallied, I replaced all the parts, put a OTG in the cart and never looked back. The gasser went out with that...
  2. RDOwens

    What was your first smoker ?

    2008 18" WSM that I still use after researching for a year. Picked up a second one two years later. Two WSMs serve all my smoking needs.
  3. RDOwens

    SPG (Salt/Pepper/Garlic) Rub

    Most things I smoke are rubbed with only salt and pepper these days. I have simplified my approach to my food (and also have cut my carbs tremendously).
  4. RDOwens

    Zero Carb Turkey

    Thank you. Appreciate the thoughts.
  5. RDOwens

    Zero Carb Turkey

    Normally, I use the apple-brine turkey recipe Chris lists in the recipes section. Since last "turkey season", I have adopted a zero carb lifestyle. Things have gone well on that front. Haven't done turkey during this period. Now thinking about how to go about this, I am wondering if anyone has...
  6. RDOwens

    Complete HM System For Sale?

    I used to read the HeaterMeter threads. Then it dawned on me, I don't solder and I'm not good at this kind of stuff. But Christmas is coming up and I am thinking an ATC might be something Santa might bring me. I've done some searching and keep coming across posts that say folks will sell a...
  7. RDOwens

    Belated Thanksgiving Turkey

    Very nice! Great color and evenly cooked. Good carving too. That, I am certain, looked good on the table.
  8. RDOwens

    A Logistical Question

    I don't mop when doing Mr. Brown. I find it removes more seasoning than I am comfortable with. Butts come out just fine without the mop. Can always add a finishing sauce at the end.
  9. RDOwens

    Day after New Years Rib Roast (pic Heavy)

    That looks delicious!
  10. RDOwens

    Wild Card Sunday Cooks

    Today turned out to be a cooking day, even though it wasn't planned this way. For breakfast I smoked a fatty for my wife. She likes her fatties plain so I just sauteed some button mushrooms and sprinkled shredded cheddar on them. After chilling a bit while the WSM warmed up, I sprinkled the...
  11. RDOwens

    Something New for Baby Backs

    That's more work (cutting the ribs) than I would probably do for a home cook, but I agree with Bob H. above that for a party that would be a nice presentation. Thank you for sharing.
  12. RDOwens

    Twice baked tri tip Shepards Pie taters

    Good job! Oh, how I long for my children to enjoy working in the kitchen. Alas, they do not. :( You have a good boy there who is learning valuable skills early. Congratulations!
  13. RDOwens

    Fist time suasage making - Polska Kielbasa!

    Nicely done! I like seeing the homemade sausage posts. Thank you for sharing.
  14. RDOwens

    Steak and Bread for #4

    Nice! Family time around a fabulously-looking meal. I hope you had a good time and g'luck to your daughter.
  15. RDOwens

    Slow to 1,000 - Sausage (and bread for Bill)

    Wow! Nicely done. I like your set-up for the sausage. It gives me ideas . . . :)

