Recent content by RD Hauch

  1. R

    Large griddle for Q100 120 1000 1200? Not split grate

    I use this Lodge platter. It just barely fits.
  2. R

    Best griddle for the Q1000/Q1200?

    When I need a griddle surface for my Q I just use a cast iron skillet. The Lodge 10" skillet fits my Q1200 and if I want a bigger griddle I use this Lodge CI platter. It just barely fits.
  3. R

    New life for an old, free Weber kettle

    I didnt really need another grill but I got the old kettle for free. I cut the legs off and made it a camp cue / firepit. It travels well in the bed of my truck and makes a superior firepit with the air intake and lid to snuff out the fire at bedtime. Anyone else use a kettle for a firepit?
  4. R

    To flip or not to flip

    I flip and rotate often until I get the desired char and then I put them in a pan with water, cover with foil and cook indirect till the meat pulls clean off the bone.
  5. R

    Favorite things to cook sub 5 hrs

    Spareribs. I often cook a rack or two of spareribs in under 4 hours. I like to cook them while I brew a 5 gallon batch of beer.
  6. R

    How long until this premium Weber kettle comes to America?

    This new improved kettle is available in England and Germany. I like the hinged lid. I wonder how much it will cost when it arrives in the USA?
  7. R

    Cleaning the WeberQ Grates

    I got one of these a few days ago. I really like it, Thanks Mark B
  8. R

    Tri tip cooked to 210

    I like to smoke a tri tip on my Kamado, cut it into chunks and put it in my slow cooker pot with sliced onions, beef broth and some wooster sauce. cook till tender (past 210), shred with a fork then thicken the juice with flour to make a gravy and make BBQ beef sandwiches with it.
  9. R

    Calling Skin-on Chicken Thigh Experts, Need Some Help

    Chicken thighs with skin is one of my favorite things to grill. I remove the bone first and marinate in italian dressing overnight and then grill them on my Weber Q1200. The skin always comes out crispy without being burned. The skin is my favorite part and tastes better than bacon. I think it's...
  10. R

    Steven Raichlen personal grills and smokers

    Anybody know who made that hinged cast iron grate on his Weber kettle? Its pretty cool.
  11. R

    Love my Q!

    Ive used many different grills both gas and coals but my little baby Q1200 outperforms them all for smaller cooks. Now I only fire up my kamado for spareribs, pork butts and briskets and I take my babyQ camping with me always. It's an amazing little cooker. Check out the fire escape griller on...
  12. R

    FYI WeberQ drip pans cheap

    FYI I found these on Amazon. I just got them. They are a perfect fit and at a fraction of the cost of the Weber version.
  13. R

    Brats on the Q help

    I start my brats the same way as you and turn them frequently until my digitherm reads minimum 180 in the middle. At that temp they are safe to eat and still juicy inside but if they reach 200 then they are too well done for me.
  14. R

    The crispiest wings come from my Weber Q

    My favorite way to grill wings is I put the separate wing sections in a big ziplock bag with some mayonnaise, season them liberally with Old Bay seasoning, then I moosh them around in the bag till evenly covered with the spicy sauce and grill them on my Q1200 on the lowest setting. I turn and...
  15. R

    The crispiest wings come from my Weber Q

    My Q1200 is the only gasser that I have experience with. I think it is the slow and even heat on the cast iron grates that make them so crispy.

