Recent content by Mark K.

  1. M

    No sugar on a HH butt???

    I was just about to make some rub for my first HH butt tomorrow, but then I just realized... if I'm smoking at 350, won't the sugar in the rub burn? Do you guys use leave out the sugar when you cook a HH butt?
  2. M

    lump question

    Thanks for all of the feedback guys. I think that I'll just throw the rest away. Matt to answer your question, I bought it for smoking. I usually use blue Kingsford, but I wanted something hotter so I could try a HH butt. My first and only test so far was with a low heat tri tip (250 degrees)...
  3. M

    lump question

    Hi guys, I used lump for the first time the other day (Frontier brand), and it popped and cracked so much that it sent ash up into the food area. Is it the same with all lump or is Frontier particularly bad?
  4. M

    Frontier Lump

    I just tried it too. I didn't like it because it popped so violently that it sent ash up to the food grate. It was fine when the air was choked off, but when I opened the vents too much or when I had the lid off to wrap my tri tips it was ash city.
  5. M

    Ran out of smoke?

    For me, I like the smoke to be a note rather then a mouthful. So I only use 1 fist sized chunk. Also, I don't add it until the smoker has come up to temp and I've dialed the vents down to near nothing. This will give me about 3 hours of smoke scent but without the actual white smoke. For my...
  6. M

    Sweet vinegar sauce

    Hi all, I've been looking for a sauce that meets few requirements, and this is what I have so far. If anyone would like to give it a try and provide some suggestions on how to improve it, I'd appreciate it. In particular I'd like to find a way to give it a more syrupy texture like a KC sauce...
  7. M

    No. 5 Sauce

    What am I doing wrong here? This sauce is kinda similar to a recipe I saw in Weber's Charcoal Grilling cookbook. I tried them both, and both just came out tasting like hot ketchup soup. I'm sure that I'm doing wrong, but the steps are basically 1) add ingredients and 2) simmer.
  8. M

    Butts in LA?

    The Beef Palace? That sounds awesome! Thanks for the tips guys.
  9. M

    Butts in LA?

    Hi all, Does anyone know where to get pork butts in the LA area (I live near LAX)? The regular markets only seem to have carved up 3 pound sections. Whole Foods only has some boneless ones for a very steep price. I hear that Costco has them, but I don't have a membership.
  10. M

    Burning questions... about wood

    Sorry for the bad pun, but I do have a few questions about wood. First, it seems like everyone uses 2,3 or even 5 wood chunks for their smokes. But for me, 1 wood chunk can last as much as 4 hours. I think it's because I run my WSM with the bottom vents almost entirely closed (it is new and...
  11. M

    Message to the lurkers... *****

    A lot of other forums I've seen (bbq or otherwise) are very unfriendly... like it's a competition to see who's right or to agree on the one and only right way of doing things. By far, this is the best site I've ever seen. Everyone is very friendly and very helpful.
  12. M

    Brisket vs. Tri Tip

    Tri tip is the shizzle. I was never a real big fan until I found the slow cooked method (most people sear it like a steak). And now I love it. And thanks for the input guys. You've inspired me to try out a HH brisket. BTW, this is the greatest website on earth. Seriously.
  13. M

    Brisket vs. Tri Tip

    Hi all, Before I waste 16 hours experimenting, I figure that I should get your opinions first: Am I nuts, or is a slow smoked tri tip as good if not better than a brisket? I've cooked up a few tri tips using the Dueling Bubba's recipe and they all turned out great; tender and tasty. I've...

