Recent content by JohnK

  1. J

    Sausage for the smoker

    The sausage and brisket turned out very good. Thanks for the help. It was a great way to spend fathers day.
  2. J

    Who is doing there own Fathers day cooking ?

    I had both sides of the family over and did brisket, ribs and some sausage. I tried the recipe for brisket out of Adam Perry Lang's book BBQ 25. I thought the brisket was amazing if I do say so myself. I think it was the best way to spend fathers day doing what you love with the people who are...
  3. J

    Sausage for the smoker

    Thanks, I purchased some brats and italian sausage at Whole Foods. How long do they take on the smoker?
  4. J

    Sausage for the smoker

    Thanks, there is a whole foods near me. What type of sausage do you get in most bbq restaurants?
  5. J

    Sausage for the smoker

    This might be a dumb question but I was wondering what the best sausage is to throw on the smoker. I am planning on doing a big smoke this weekend and thought I would add some sausage to it which I have not done before.
  6. J

    Too much cayenne

    Thanks, that was my initial response to her but I thought I would throw it out there to see if there were any additional ideas.
  7. J

    Too much cayenne

    My wife is making sloppy joes for our monthly dinner for the homeless. She accidently added to much cayenne pepper to the meat. Any suggestions on how to counteract this so it will not be too spicy for the poor homeless people.
  8. J

    Feeding the homeless *****

    Does anyone have a good shepherds pie recipe that would work? I looked in the recipe section but did not see anything.
  9. J

    Feeding the homeless *****

    Thanks again to all who have replied. I think I get myself into trouble by trying to do too much. I love to cook for people and I love to try new things and I tend to get carried away with planning a meal. I guess I would be better off trying to master some simple things that are tasty.
  10. J

    Feeding the homeless *****

    Thanks for the input and good ideas. Yes I have found the benefits of the foil pans. I know the large meatloafs would be less work up front but I thought it would make it easier for the servers to make the individuals. I do not know about access to the church kitchen but it is easier to work...
  11. J

    Feeding the homeless *****

    A little more information on this. I cook the meal at home and then a group from our parish takes the food to the shelter and serves it. So, I cook it and then it is warmed again once it arrives at the shelter. We pay for the food out of our pocket so I am definitely looking for inexpensive...
  12. J

    Feeding the homeless *****

    My wife and I cook a meal for the homeless once a month. We need to supply the shelter with enough food for 40 people and my trouble is coming up with or modifying recipes for that many people. This month we were thinking of individual meatloafs for them but I was looking for suggestions or...

