Recent content by Jim P.

  1. Jim P.

    My $17 WSM Cart

    That Looks Great! It is something I might have to give a try. One of the only things holding me back is my lack of skills. LOL! Brisket isn't too shabby either.
  2. Jim P.

    Dry Aged Steak in 48 hours

    Here is something else to watch while you are waiting for the rice to arrive. Jim
  3. Jim P.

    Vintage wood handle 18.5" WSM NIB St Louis CL $100

    I know I can't think of a better person to be the keeper of such WSM history.
  4. Jim P.

    Beef Plate Ribs - 2nd cook on my WSM

    Plate ribs are one thing I had never smoked but wanted to. The day before this past Labor Day I visited my local BJs looking for something to cook for the holiday. As I got close the case where have the larger cuts of beef and pork I saw something I had never seen there before, several double...
  5. Jim P.

    An article about smoking that made me chuckle Hey, I think I resemble that remark! Jim
  6. Jim P.

    Smoking Pork Shoulders??

    Ah yes, the good ol' days of TFN. David Rosengarten, I learned a lot from him. Good to hear Alton is coming back from the dark side. Jim
  7. Jim P.

    Smoking Pork Shoulders??

    LOL! I thought I was the only one that felt that way. I much prefered that channel when I was learning something. It really hurts seeing even Alton going that way. Jim
  8. Jim P.

    Pair of 22.5 WSM w/DigiQ's

    Very nice, well thought out, setup. Looks like you could make a lot of excellent BBQ right away. Jim
  9. Jim P.

    First overnight country smoke concerns

    I have also have had similar thoughts. Even though I live in NJ there are bear, coyotes, fox and raccoon in my immediate vicinity. Just about all of my cooks are of the higher heat variety so I don't do overnighters just early morning starts. So far, so good. Jim
  10. Jim P.

    22.5" Modifications Complete

    Most likely the best equipped WSM in the UK. Looks great! I have a new 22.5 that I have to put together yet. No rush since my 18.5 is working fine. I am just waiting for all of my mods for the 22.5 to come in. Now go get it dirty. Jim
  11. Jim P.


    First good review I have seen on youtube for the Cyberq Cloud. Jim
  12. Jim P.


    I have unlimited data so I haven't even thought about that before. The only way I have monitored the CyberQ is using wireless data when away from home. I have never noticed any high data usage. The monitoring of your cook is done using a website on your browser. If you don't want to be using up...
  13. Jim P.


    I have one. So far it is working great. I love being able to monitor or change settings on my WSM with the wifi feature whether I'm close by or at the food store miles away. Jim
  14. Jim P.

    Craigslist NJ WSM 22.5 Just got home from buying one. Brand new in box. Said he had several more. Jim
  15. Jim P.

    Best way to freeze/store smoked meats

    One thing I do when I need to reheat after smoking, pulling, cooling, vac bagging, and refrigerating or freezing my pulled pork is to use my sous vide setup. It makes the reheating process very simple. Just set your temp of your sous vide setup, I use 150f, toss the bag or bags of pulled pork...

