Recent content by Jeffery Link

  1. J

    Smoke wood, thoughts on oak?

    I've been using Red Oak for tri tip and brisket with good results, this spring i made another pick em 4 choice purchase from and tried the post oak for the first time, 2 weeks ago I used it on a brisket cook and it smelled awesome out of the box, and left a very nice red smoke...
  2. J

    Newbie questions about long/overnight cooks...

    I'm with Trail B. I don't cook anything in the WSM at less than 275 unless I need to stretch out a cook, waterless also. Good luck on your future cooks, the WSM is great cooker.
  3. J

    Best way to pull pork

    Meat Rakes
  4. J

    Cleaning Weber kettle

    Easy off oven cleaner, black leaf or garbage bag, put in the hot sun then rinse and repeat if needed.
  5. J

    Water/No Water Hybrid

    I never have used water in my wsm, I have a 1 1/4 inch firebrick in a foiled brinkman water pan, no problems doing low and slow or going hh
  6. J

    Ribs - do you prefer using foil or none?

    I don't know about baby backs being a waste of money, bb's I get are plenty meaty more so than spares, sure if you buy full racks of spares you get the rib tips if you trim for st louis.
  7. J

    HH and brisket

    I've cooked many using the foiling method from this site and all of them have turned out good, I've done one brisket cook using butcher paper it turned out good too but it wasn't like "Wow" this the best brisket I've ever cooked, my question is how many HH foilers have used BP and not gone back...
  8. J

    Is a WSM right for me?

    Andrew, I'm in a similar situation as you and have the 18.5, I think it was the perfect size for my needs! I store it inside my home after it cools down, its light enough that I can lift it without taking it apart, I have transported it many times to cook for family and friends, It was one of...
  9. J

    Advice for first smoke

    You can also give the High Heat method a try with your kettle set up like Bobs photo, just turn the open end of your grate over the bed of coals to add more if needed, I've done many this way the last being a 14lb in a bit over 6 hrs.
  10. J

    Maverick ET732 probes

    I agree with chad, the stock probes would crap, out the 6ft probes are working well.
  11. J

    Two newbie questions.

    to your question, wire the charcoal grate to the ring for easy shake out of spent coals.
  12. J

    Anyone buy smoking wood online

    Fruitawoods in colorado.
  13. J

    Tempature control 18 vs 22

    Jeff I have the 18.5, If cooking for your family of 4 I would think it would be the perfect size, It's easy to transport, I've cooked for at least a dozen people and still have not used the second grate. Good luck on your choice!
  14. J

    What are you using for rubs?

    Smokin Guns out of KC is good, Plowboys rubs are tasty, been using Obie Ques rubs out texas which is good also.
  15. J

    Noob Bros 1st Smoke Journey

    bbq on the wsm is pretty simple as you have documented, good job on the pork! my only tip is if your not cooking meat on the bottom grate you really don't need it in there, unless you like extra cleanup.

