Recent content by Gary H. NJ

  1. Gary H. NJ

    American Wagyu brisket buy online?

    Many thanks
  2. Gary H. NJ

    American Wagyu brisket buy online?

    I don’t think they have it on the East coast but I’ll check. Thanks.
  3. Gary H. NJ

    Greetings from Rhode Island

    Hey, all! Once upon a time, I was extremely active on this forum. Although I am still an avid barbecuer, I don’t think to post much here these days. Just wanted to say hi to my old friends and wish everyone well. despite my handle, I am no longer living in New Jersey, but have moved to sunny...
  4. Gary H. NJ

    American Wagyu brisket buy online?

    Hello my friends. At some point, I would love to get an American Wagyu brisket to smoke. I’m not looking for top-of-the-line competition quality, just something tender and delicious to share with friends. Is there any particular company and product that folks would recommend? Many thanks.
  5. Gary H. NJ

    For traveling - Smoky Joe or Go Anywhere?

    Thanks all for your heartfelt input. I ended up getting the go anywhere, largely for its compactness. I’ll try to give it a trial run soon before heading out with it in late September on a trip. Again, thanks to everyone for your help. ✌🏼✌🏽✌🏿
  6. Gary H. NJ

    For traveling - Smoky Joe or Go Anywhere?

    For future traveling- house sitting, car camping, etc — do people prefer the Smoky Joe or the charcoal Go Anywhere?
  7. Gary H. NJ

    For traveling - Smoky Joe or Go Anywhere?

    For my future travels - house-sitting, car camping, etc, do folks prefer the Weber 14” Smoky Joe or the charcoal Go Anywhere?
  8. Gary H. NJ

    WSM 22.5" Can not keep temperature consistent.

    After years of smoking with a WSM, I’ve been having similar issues lately as well. I think my door has loosened up a bit and I think that’s the issue. After I’m finished smoking I close all the vents, but the next day the coals are still smoldering. That gasket set looks like just the ticket...
  9. Gary H. NJ

    The WSM on a Trex deck

    We just moved into a new house and it has a Trex composite decking. It’s basically plastic. Should I be concerned about using the smoker on the deck itself? Thinking about putting in some bricks next to the deck on the lawn to do the smoking there. What are peoples experience with the Trex deck...
  10. Gary H. NJ

    RIP: Bob Correll

    Jim, this is the first that I heard of Bob‘s passing. So sorry to hear of it. I never had the pleasure of meeting him but he was such a lovely guy in conversation here and on Facebook.
  11. Gary H. NJ

    Brisket Labour Day Weekend 2016

    Yup , you nailed it. Looks tender and juicy! Haven't done a brisket in ages. Anxious to try an American wagyu.
  12. Gary H. NJ

    GRILLIN' In GREEN BAY: The P1Gvilion Goes On The Road!

    How'd it go Jim. Hope all went well!
  13. Gary H. NJ

    Brisket Nirvana

    That's astounding Jeff. Didn't know that brisket, even Wagyu brisket got that marbleized. Love the pics of the pigs too. :)
  14. Gary H. NJ

    Ribs For the Fourth

    Great ribs and that sauce looks righteous.
  15. Gary H. NJ

    FlashBack Sunday

    Bravo Bob and congrats on 6 years. This October is 5 for me.

