Recent content by David I.

  1. D

    First Chuck Roll...Wow

    wow... I showed that hunk of meat to my oldest...her face looked like mine when i saw it.. DAM!....thats a BIG hunk of meat, n she freaked out on the cook time, I was like wow, that short? then I remembered its beef. Looks awesome man! Im gonna try one when I get some more meat under my belt...
  2. D

    Brisket vs tri tip

    I agree; TYVM for the marinades, but why sear at the end of the cook? It may be what Ive grown up with but on all the steps that Ive found; mostly, you sear at the end of the cooking process. Can someone explain this for the sear-last impaired among us.
  3. D

    Spoke to Fast?..What's Going On? (Pic)

    Chet, do you think the price would be a lot more expensive than the average retail ? I might have to invest into a big deep freezer and just buy an animal or two and have them butchered. This will take a while due to more pressing matters but I want to feed my kids the most organic meat and...
  4. D

    Spoke to Fast?..What's Going On? (Pic)

    ok, i guess im 1 of the few, ( i hope ) of not knowing the process from kill to market..Is there any place i can get meat that is just that, nothing added, just plain meat? i bought my butts from reasors n brisket 2..they were awesome.. i went 2 walmoart and got 3 slabs of baby-back ribs, used...
  5. D

    WSM Not a true smoker

    Just goes to show you...the most expensive n biggest thing isnt the best bang for the buck...( now if I can just convince the ladies of that I'll have it made ) O.~ The main reason I went with the WSM is cuz of these awesome ppl on here. THey rule..willing to share all that they know 2 help the...
  6. D


    I read that homedepot has a sale, 40 lbs. charcoal, kingsford, on sale for 10 bucks...called my walmart n told themm..they said they do em up guys n gals.. i bought 80 lbs tonight and am buying more in the morning...

