WSM Not a true smoker

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Larry Wolfe

Closed Account
I went to and could not believe what my eyes were reading!!!! Someone actually said the WSM was not a true smoker. He went on to write it was only good for chicken and hams!!!! And you could not get a good "bark" or good smoke ring using the WSM!! Obviously he is talking out of his "butt" because he doesn't know any better or has never tried using a WSM. I hope one day I enter a competition and he is the Big Mouth laughing at my WSM right next to me with the $10,000.00 smoker that comes in 2nd behind me with my "Not a real smoker" WSM. The nerve of some people!!! Don't talk about our "WSM's"
I have been in competitions and gotten that from people "Oh your smoker is so cute" ect.
They came up sheepishly afterwords and looked at my red and green ribbons .
I was at another comp in October .
And watched our own Dale G. take home several blue ribbons.
It is really fun beatin up on a 10,000 dollar Jed master or Soutern Pride /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
For the money, WSM is the best smoker on the market. Sure there are better, bigger,more expensive smokers, but for my money, it is the one.
I dont care what that poster thinks but when Im gnawing on a rib bone that I smoked in my bullet, that is true smoked BBQ in my opinion. Good as any I have ever had.
Dale P
I can certianly see how someone (especially someone with a huge tow-behind smoker) would consider a WSM an "entry level" or "inferior" piece of equipment. It's produced in large(er) quantities, is inexpensive, and can't handle something like a whole hog. But for that same someone to say it's incapable of cooking really good barbecue is simply not true. I think all the folks who compete and win with the WSM is proof enough.
If you'll notice, you'll see many WSMs at competitions. Lots of folks with a big rig also have a few WSM's sitting around for dedicated purposes. Mad Mama and the Kid won the Jack in pork a year or two back, and had five or six WSM's lined up under her tent. I know of very highly placed competitors that cook on nothing BUT WSM's.

Not a real smoker, no bark, no smoke ring? Hmmm... they obviously haven't met Stogie, Jim Minion, and all the other reputable cooks here who could easily prove him wrong. And they OBVIOUSLY haven't tasted my brisket... /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Keri C, still smokin on Tulsa Time
I guess the Poobahs should give back our ribbons for 3rd place brisket and 6th place ribs, since our WSMs obviously can't kick out competition Q. And maybe we shouldn't even tell the guy on that site about our 2nd place chicken that we smoked on a simple Weber kettle.

It's definitely not the size of your equipment that counts in contests, I think Freud would have something to say to a guy who'd think so. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
I had the pleasure to watch a big green egg video this week. They take a few cheap shots at "water smokers" also. What was funny was the guys watching the video have been eating my Q, and had some interesting comments of their own! With the WSM and this web site, you can't go wrong.

If you search that forum for "WSM" you'll find that the original poster dismissing the WSM as a true smoker does actually own one, and, as recently as just this year, discovered... gasp! The Minion Method!

Shame that, for a "national" BBQ site, no one stepped in to point out that the water in a water smoker is there to help regulate temperature, not to provide a moist cooking environment.
I went to the site and did the search and read what the anti WSM now turned pro WSM guy was saying. Pretty funny!!! I just checked my meat 4 8lbers, and they have a nice bark going already 8+ hours into the cook!!! Bark on WSM!
Just goes to show you...the most expensive n biggest thing isnt the best bang for the buck...( now if I can just convince the ladies of that I'll have it made ) O.~
The main reason I went with the WSM is cuz of these awesome ppl on here. THey rule..willing to share all that they know 2 help the beginer. Bless ur cook-outs n bless U all.
I had an ECB before my WSM and I thought my Q was outstanding. Smoke ring, bark, flavor etc. just a little hard controlling the temp. So don't let the big bullies scare anyone away from their WSM. Keep on smoking.
I finally understand this post. Money Magazine (July) ranked the Big Green Egg as the best smoker. Maybe the WSM wasn't eligible since it isn't really a smoker. What a joke! This thing is idiot proof, as I have been duly demonstrating for 6 months.

Of course the article did use as a reference, Bobby "5 hrs to brisket" Flay.

Weber did receive some props for charcoal and gasser versions.

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