Zen and the Art of the WSM

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a galarneau

TVWBB Member
"Low and slow is the way to go." The Q mantra is especially true for WSMs. Trying to make BBQ on a deadline is always a prescription for stress unless you're a veteran.

To me, the remarkable thing about the reliability of the WSM is that as long as you have your basics down, the WSM won't let you down. I have gotten stressed so often -- and always needlessly -- that I'm through fretting and decided to just be cool and let the WSM do its thing.

Case in point: last night loaded 5 butts in, total 36 lbs. Minion method, hot water, etc. The cooker didn't get above 220 in the dome for the longest time.

Now, that contradicts the experiences of many who have detailed their cooks here, but I didn't freak. The smoke was good, the heat was constant, the situation was stable, just not 250-275 as expected.

So I did other things while it chugged away. Drank a Molson, took a nap, set the timer to wake up every two hours. Didn't really have to because nothing changed.

After 10 hours it broke 230 in the dome. The internal temps hung at the 170 plateau just as advertised. For two hours. I went back to sleep.

At 184 internal, 13.5 hours in, I decided to give them a poke. The bone slipped out like a hot knife in butter. Sweet.

Maybe 30 mins. actual attention and fiddling over 13.5 hours. Temp never got above 245 in the dome. Result: Twenty pounds of the most luscious pulled pork ever.

I never doubted it.
Sounds like a perfect cook, congratulations! /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
I sometimes think that I contribute to the paranoia people have about temperature when I write up topics for the website and list the temperature readings at 15-30 minute increments throughout the entire cook. It's not my intention to cause people to worry too much about temperature, I'm just trying to show people what the cooker did. Often, if a person reads a topic carefully, they'll notice that the cooker didn't behave the way I had planned, but the food usually turns out great despite that.

It's also clear that when you put 35 lbs. of meat in the WSM, you can't expect the dome temp to get very high--all the heat energy is going into all that cool meat!

Thanks for the reminder that we should all "chill-out" when it come to heat in the WSM.

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