welcome to the forum.Merry Christmas! I just picked up this Genesis Gold and unfortunately the left swing table is cracked. Does anyone happen to have an undamaged one they would sell? Thanks in advance!
I’d like to avoid buying a whole grill for parts just to pull the swing table, so if you still have that swing table and are willing to sell/ship, just let me know the price, thanks!welcome to the forum.
I likely have one, however It will be a few weeks until I can get to it as it is buried deep in my garage.
Note that there are a couple of styles of the table. The style you have is a very common style which is good. It is the early-style Silver B/C Gold B/C style and as was mentioned you might be able to find a complete Silver/Gold for other parts which can be good to have.
Good luck.
btw, yours looks like a 2002 or 2003 Genesis Gold B.