WSM Webcam

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Doug D

TVWBB Hall of Fame
I'll be doing my turkey on the WSM starting at about 10:45am CST, if you care to tune in. Might be a first.

Happy Thanksgiving!
This is really cool! A virtual turkey! I'll be so busy tuning in that I might not get MY turkey done! What a great idea.

Happy Thanksgiving back to you,

P.S. I already have 3 friends tuned in too.
Hey Doug,

Just watched you dump the chimney in the cooker. Looks kind of breezy in NOLA, your Kingsford bag is swaying back and forth!

Neat idea. I've always wanted to do this, but couldn't get a broadband connection where I live to support it until a couple of months ago. You've inspired me to maybe give this a try.

Have a good one,
Yes, looks like I'll be fighting the breeze on this cook. But the temp has topped out at a solid 425*, so it's just a matter of getting the vents tuned. I did the thermometer mod with the aluminum tube thru the bolt hole yesterday. The guy at the appliance parts store asked me how much tubing I needed. I said an inch, and explained what for. He gave me a foot for free. Total cost: 26 cents (for the e-clips).
Hey Doug!

Thought I'd check your web-cam today and I do believe there is fragrant smoke emitting from the bullet. Whatchya cookin' today?
Today we have a small (4lb.) pork loin end roast, flavor-brined overnight, and a rack of medium pork spares. Very smooth cook today-- 65*, hardly any breeze. Using two Weber chimney-fulls of leftover Kingsford. Fire is well-behaved. Just pulled some rib trimmings at 3:30 (3hr mark) for a snack-- awesome. Roast is at 150*. Oops-- gotta go check the water pan. Later!

Evenin' Doug.

How did your pork dinner turn out? Looked like you had excellent weather goin' there.

I just put a dozen ABT's on the Weber kettle, each stuffed with a chunk of sharp cheddar, sliver of green onion and then packed the rest with some cooked-up chorizo from this am breakfast, then capped off with bacon. Also got about a pound of smoked brisket out of the freezer, did up this past November and vac-packed, in a pot of water heatin' up as I type.

Love that web-cam you have, I check-in when I can. That's a cool deal.

Got to go check the ABT's

Have a good week.
Even though I had forgotten that a pork loin end roast is my least favorite-- because of that darn weird bone-- the electric knife carved out some succulent chunks. I also had a spare rib epiphany-- I cooked them an hour longer than I usually do-- and found that that additional time served to render out a lot more fat-- they weren't a bit greasy. The Bullet stayed really stable for the entire 5-1/2 hrs. Everything came off the cooker at the same time-- exactly in time for supper. A textbook cook.
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