WSM vs electric wood chip box smoker

Had my first "head to head" smoke yesterday at a bbq. I did a rack and a half of BBs on the top shelf of my 18.5 using a modified BRITU rub (only brown sugar no white, no accent, and some paprika and chili flakes with an extra teaspoon of cayenne) and finished with an Ancho-Blueberry Sauce (sauced 30 minutes before pulling the ribs off). Used the Weber method to get 'er going, half a chimney lit on top of some leftover blue bag from my last smoke, 1/4 filled water pan - and three chunks of Cherry wood. They were on for about 4 and a half hours - didn't flip 'em or anything, and tested doneness with the toothpick method. They were terrific. The dark blueberry bbq sauce gave a nice contrast to the bright smoke ring on the meat once I split 'em.

My buddy did chicken thighs with a Kansas City Rub in his electric box smoker.

Although it wasn't a true head to head, since we were doing different foods - the difference between the product coming off of my WSM compared to his box with the wood shavings was amazing. I felt that his machine gave the smell and taste of "burning wood" - not necessarily the nuanced flavoring of the cherry from my WSM.

Just another example making me glad I went with the WSM !
The WSM is a great Smoker and do just that. You can get a perfect smoke flavour if you know what you are doing. Heck my 1300$ Primo cant even compare(smoke wise)
My BIL (I have several) has trouble cooking burgers on a gas grill, so a charcoal smoker was out of the question. His wife got him a Masterbuilt electric last year and he is now a smokin' fool. He uses my recipes and rubs and gets raves from his family, but often tells me, "It's just not as good as yours." Gotta love the WSM.

