I sure agree with Russ about the cook not the cooker. My best briskets have come off my Kettle instead of the expensive off-set I used to own. I wonder why sometimes. Did I try harder since I was using the Weber instead of the off-set.....don't think I did....heck, the meat sure doesn't know what pit it is in. I figure it is the way the kettle circulates the heat and cooks evenly. I used a water pan in the kettle and I had a built in water pan in the off-set but the Kettle seems to hold the moisture in better than my off-set ever did. I think in my case with brisket it is the cooker instead of the cook. :o

I think in some cases certain pits can offer more consistent better results with less effort than some other pits........not bashing just reflecting on some of the pits I used to own and how much easier my Queing life has been since going back to Weber.......
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Ok, so i have a question. I know ceramics claim less fuel but if the wsm can cook more food at once then is it really that different? I mean if i use a little more charcoal but have twice the food then so what if it isn't as efficient.
Well the XL BGE and the Primo have the dual racks. So does the WSM. The BGE vs Primo i would go with the Primo everyday of the week. The oval shape cant be beaten. If they are fuel efficent? Oh my...I can only talk from a Primo veiw,But they run on almost nothing.(exept the HH cooks)

So The Primo is the best cooker around? Well i would say the best cheramic cooker. But i still use my WSM couse the smoke flavour on a WSM is so mutch "deeper" then in my Cheramic.(tryed alot of different setups)

I guess the tight unit(Primo) doesent have the same draft(there for less fuel used) as the WSM. Im a happy Primo owner and i wouldent abandon it ever....But the same goes for my WSM.

For the Price Weber makes the best grills/smokers out there!

Ps: the Primo is made in the USA.
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