WSM Vinyl Cover

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TVWBB Member
How much heat can the wsm vinyl cover take? It might be better to ask when it's safe to put the cover back on after I'm done cooking?

Now that winter is here, I'd like to keep the smoker as protected as possible. I'm always reluctant to put the cover on right when I'm done because I'm afriad the smoker is too hot.

I think you answered your own question. Wait for it to cool down first. If its below freezing and you shut off the air the cooker should be stone cold in a coupple hours....then cover it.
I wouldn't put it on it until the day after the cook if you are not going to clean the ashes out prior to covering. Why take a chance??? Especially if it is on your deck or close to your house. It will be okay for a day or two uncovered.
I would agree with Larry. Wait until the next day. I've had fires restart the next day. They're not always out when you think they are.
You all give me more credit than I deserve. It's a miracle if I can remember to cover the thing the next day. Once I eat the bbq I go into a coma and only come to my senses a couple days later.

But thanks. I will just do what I've been doing and wait until it is totally cool.

One other thing you can do if you really want to keep it nice is after your done eating and everything is cooled down dump the WSM ashel and coal into a dedicated metal trash bin. By dedicated I mean keep a can just for ashes. That way you can be certain that it will not flare up and melt the cover.
I may be more of a risk-taker than y'all, but if it's cool enough for me to leave my hand on it (especially by the charcoal chamber), I'll cover it. In my mind, if the ashes aren't completely out, the cover will just make the thing MORE airtight, and will extinguish any hardy coals that are still slightly lit (although I'm pretty careful to make sure that I haven't opened any of the bottom vents by putting the cover on).
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