WSM Mod. Question


Dick Carner

New member
I purchased a 22.5 WSM recently. Smoked my first brisket and some pork ribs a couple of weeks ago and the results were beyond my wildest expectations. However, it's just me and my girl mainly so I'm wondering if anyone has ever purchased or fabricated a charcoal ring that is smaller than the one that comes with the 22.5? I'm thinking about ordering an 18.5 in order to corral the charcoal into a smaller area...
I got my hands on a piece of stainless perforated metal and rolled it then bolted it together.


I've only used it a few times.
I don't own the Big Boy WSM, but my BIL does and he asked me the same question. Some use expanded metal to make a smaller ring, or bricks to cut down on the volume.
Some good ideas here.

Very clever modification. 'Where there is a will there's a way'. Now that I know it's 'okay' to coral the coals, I rig something up.

