WSM lid thermometer


Mike Logg

New member
Breaking in my new WSM this weekend.Is the factory thermometer accurate or do I need to buy a better one.Any recomondations.
Well if you are happy with checking the smoker for temp the dome temp is just fine. If you rather wanna check the temp from inside of your house a ET-732 Or the not as good ET-73 is an good option. The only thing that will make you a better cook is to always temp @ one spot...That way your timing will almost tell you when its done.
Mike, the factory therm should be good enough. I would use it as-is and see how it goes. If you feel you're not getting accurate readings or you just want to confirm, you can remove the therm from the lid and do the boiling water test. As long as you're within 5*F +/- the boiling point you're fine.

Testing Thermometers for Accuracy

I have four 18" WSMs with lid thermometers, (six others without), and one 22" with a lid thermometer. Not one of them is anywhere close to accurate and they fall even farther off the more gunked up they become.

My recommendation is to get a reliable probe that you can place at grate level and use that to gauge your cooker temperature.
Unscrew it from the lid and with a pair of tongs, hold the probe end in a pot of boiling water. If it is right around 212 degrees, you'll get a lot more confidence in it after checking it. I had been doing a bunch of reading myself before I bought an ET732 and some were as much as 30 degrees off.
Hi Mike,

I'm new to this rig like yourself and last night I tested mine with the boiling water and it was 11 degrees cold. My maverick 732 was dead on at 212.

While using both on some test runs they had the same separation. I could now use just the Weber knowing it was 11 degrees off.

Good Luck with your new WSM

