WSM Endurance & Efficiency



This past weekend, our scout pack (Cubs) was really roughing it. As in, no indoor kitchen and a 1/4 mile walk to flushing toilets (pit latrines were right at the edge of our site). This had me concerned a bit because we don't have enough Dutch ovens to cook all of the required desserts, and cooking space in general was going to be tight (two Camp Chef 2-burner stoves, one Coleman camp stove [just for making coffee], and a 18" x 5' charcoal table). But, I had my 18.5 WSM in tow, so all was well.

At 9:00 Friday night, I fired it up with a packed full charcoal ring and about 10 lit coals and smoke wood on top (straight minion method as I forgot my tin can). When it hit 200 (~9:30), I threw on three 7-8# butts (injected with OJ, adobo seasoning and cumin, slathered in chipotle peppers and a "whatever's left in the pantry" rub) and set the lowly PartyQ to 250. Within 15 minutes, it was chugging along. Other than popping the lid a few times to check bark and show off my butts, I didn't open it up until 1:00 Saturday afternoon; never even added charcoal.

Before I removed the butts, I had prepped two foil pans of chicken breast with taco seasoning and salsa (a lazy way to make chicken taco filling). After removing & wrapping the butts, I just shook down the charcoal bowl (there were still a good 30-40 solid briquettes left) and piled another chimney & a half of unlit on top. I closed it back up (PartyQ still set to 250) and it kept going all afternoon.

At 5:30, I pulled the pans of chicken, added another half-chimney of lit coals to get it up to 350 (for cooking monkey bread for dessert), and let it sit while we had dinner. After dinner, I popped in two pans of monkey bread and baked until done (about 8:30).

So, in the end, I ran my WSM for almost 24 hours on less than a single (18.6#) bag of KBB. Granted, the PartyQ helped, and I did have to change the batteries (NiMH rechargables) once, but I was still impressed.
Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun and you got real good use out of your WSM. Bet the Cubs will really talk their weekend up!!
Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun and you got real good use out of your WSM. Bet the Cubs will really talk their weekend up!!

We always bring some white bread, peanut butter and jelly because, inevitably, there will be (at least) one scout who doesn't like what we're having. This is the first trip I've been on where we didn't make a single PB&J sandwich. The only complaints were a couple folks whose burgers were not cooked to their desired doneness and the fact that most of the meals were served 15-20 late. Thankfully, that was never due to the WSM, but rather the sheer quantity of food we needed to prepare to feed almost 90 people.

In the end, I think the scouts and parents had a great time and all ate well.

Now I can start planning for our Fall camping trip. We'll be staying at a castle-themed site, so I'm thinking Renaissance Fair-type food. Smoked turkey drums for 80-90 is going to be a challenge. I might have to augment the 18.5 with a 22" WSM to meet the demand ;)
Wow, you guys eat way better than I ever did during my scouting days! Nice!

Yeah, we bribe the parents with great food. It works, too...unlike a lot of other cub packs, we have a tremendous amount of parent involvement. Most of our dens have 2 or 3 assistant leaders in addition to the primary leader.

And I also forgot that between the chicken and Monkey bread, I baked 5 pans of mac & cheese in there (cross-stacked foil pans).

